University women: The Green Left Party against the male-dominated mentality

ANTALYA - Stating that they would vote for the Green Left Party against the male-dominated mentality, Women students from Akdeniz University said: “Young people now want change against exploitation. We see this change in the Green Left Party."
There are only a few days left until May 14, when the Presidential and General Elections will be held. 4 million 904 thousand young people who will vote for the first time will determine the fate of the elections. University students, who were faced with the problem of housing in the cities they went to for higher education, were also condemned to poverty with the problem of scholarships. University students waiting for May 14 said that they would support the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) for change.
A student of Akdeniz University, Elif Açık, is one of the young people who have a housing problem in Antalya, where she came from Van Erciş. Explaining that he was expelled from the dormitory after the earthquake, Açık said: “I cannot take shelter in any way. They placed the earthquake victims in the dormitories where we stayed, cramming their families into one room and giving them bad meals in bad conditions. Hotels in Antalya or public facilities of the state should be opened to earthquake victims. I have to stay with a friend right now. Turkey is not going forward, on the contrary, this government has dragged the country into a quagmire and this country will not improve as long as the AKP-MHP government. I can't live in my own university, I'm in the open. He only helps his own supporters, but condemns students from other sections to hunger and poverty.”
Expressing that the AKP has condemned millions of students to hunger and misery, Açık said: “These people, youth, women now want a change. There are hundreds of young people around me who are victims of the AKP. Young people want change against exploitation. We see this change in the Green Left Party. We invite all youth to the Green Left Party for freedom and a democratic education. A party that gives importance to the ideas of the youth and speaks the truth without discrimination. I will call the Green Left Party so that everyone can live equally and fairly. We invite all youth, especially young women, to meet at the Green Left Party.”
Stating that she has never seen power other than the AKP during her 20-year life, One of the students, Berivan Iğın said: "The AKP drags the youth into a future. For 20 years, a very wrong policy has been followed. During this ruling period, femicides increased, women became worthless, and the economy took a terrible turn. The university dreams of the young people were rubbish, we couldn't go to the universities we won with dreams, or we had to leave it halfway due to the economic crisis. It will take a long time for us to recover after this government is gone. He did not leave a target in youth. Young people went to Europe for a better life. The AKP-MHP is the only one responsible for what happened."
Iğın made the following call: “As a young person, I can express myself in the Green Left Party. A party that stands up for women's rights and fights all forms of violence experienced by young women. A party that values women. I think it will open up job opportunities for women because it values women. We call on all women to organize for a fair, equal and free life against the male-dominated mentality, and we will change it together.”