Journalist İbrahim Êzidî: KDP wants to bring chaos in the region

NEWS CENTER - Stating that the KDP wanted to confuse Shengal under the name of faith, Journalist İbrahim Êzidî said: “The plans they were aiming for exploded in their hands. These provocations have been nullified by the unity of the beliefs here."
Êzidî Kurds, who lived through the 74th massacre with the ISIS attacks on Shengal, have been facing attacks by Turkey and the KDP for many years. It was stated that the KDP resorted to some provocations in the region, this time with the dimension of faith, after the attacks did not yield any results. Êzidî stated that Iraq's decision to send 30 Sunni Arab families back to Shengal took part in the massacre, so the decision to return these families was stopped. Demanding the return of these families, the KDP and its media began to spread provocative news that Êzidî burned the Rehman Mosque.
A few hours after the news of the KDP press accusing the Êzidî of burning the Rehman Mosque, the people of Shengal denied the allegations and stated that the shared videos belong to 2016 and that the mosque was burned by ISIS.
Journalist İbrahim Êzidî, who closely follows the developments in the region regarding the KDP's policies and attacks on the region, made evaluations to the Mezopotamya Agency (MA).
Noting that the KDP wanted to provoke a provocation in Shengal over religion, İbrahim Êzidî said: "The attitude of the people of Shengal is clear in the face of these plans. The beliefs in Shengal prevented this provocation by being vigilant. The forces in Shengal said that no traitor could return to these lands. KDP is causing a crisis not only in Shengal but everywhere it is located. When their provocations in Shengal came to light, they wanted to take this process through religious men. While doing this, they wanted to resettle ISIS families here. It is now clear that; The KDP wants to develop a move against the democratic nation system, against the order of living together through clergy and media outlets, but these moves will be fruitless."
Noting that the common stance of the beliefs in Shengal against the attacks is important, the journalist Êzidî said: "The KDP has launched this attack against the democratic nation system. It was launched not only against the Êzidî, but against the beliefs that coexist here. The KDP wants to dismantle the democratic nation system established here. But now Not only the Yazidi community, but also the people of Bashur Kurdistan know about these policies of the KDP. The KDP wants to cause chaos in the region together with the Turkish state. This attack on this common life will not go unanswered. The beliefs here will respond by strengthening their alliance. These attacks actually show how important steps were taken here. They cannot disperse, so they resort to provocations. But these forces are now on display and it is impossible for them to achieve their goals here."