Earthquake victims demand Containers

ADIYAMAN - The residents of Adıyaman, whose sheltering problem has not been resolved even though it has been 3 months since the earthquake, stated that the tents did not meet their needs and demanded containers.
According to official figures, more than 11 thousand people lost their lives in Adıyaman, where the great destruction was experienced in the earthquakes that took place in Maraş on February 6th. In Adıyaman, where there was no intervention for days, the earthquake victims waited in tents for days in cold winter conditions. After the 10th day, the earthquake survivors, who can take the tents that reach the city, are trying to hold on to life in tent cities that are not sheltered from cold and rain for about 3 months and have hygiene problems.
The earthquake victims we talked to in the tent cities set up in Adıyaman center stated that the tents are flooded with every rain, and that their container needs should be met urgently.
Mehmet Murat Güler, one of the earthquake victims, who had to live in tents because his house was damaged in the earthquake, stated that the tents no longer meet their shelter needs, and said: "Children need to consume fruit and healthy food. Likewise, there must be hygienic conditions; however, there is a hygiene problem in the tents. The children are getting ill because of the cold and the hygiene conditions."
Adding that they need containers, Güler continued: "Long-term containers are also a problem, but in the short term, containers must be built and people need to move from tent cities to containers; however, the most basic need is to build permanent residences. We want permanent solutions."
Stating that their houses were destroyed in the earthquake, earthquake victims Fidan Asnuk said that they stayed outside in cold winter conditions and rainy weather because tents were not provided for 10 days. Expressing what they get through with the words, Asnuk said: "It would be better if we died. We found a tent with difficulty, but when it rains, the tent is filled with water. There are no toilets, bathrooms or hygiene conditions."
Stating that the tents cannot meet their shelter needs, Ayten Ozçelebi said: “In any rain, our tents are filled with water. There are sink, toilet and hygiene problems in tent cities. Our need for shelter for a short time can be met by containers. We want our container problem solved. On the other hand, the landlords have increased their rental prices, which was previously a thousand lira, to 5 thousand. It is the cruelty of the landlords to the tenants, and this problem needs to be resolved."
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş