Prison sentence demand for accused soldier in Uytun case

ŞIRNAK - In the lawsuit filed regarding the death of 18-month-old Mehmet Uytun, who was murdered with a gas canister, the prosecutor demanded that the accused soldier be punished for "involuntary manslaughter".
On October 9, 2009, in the Cizîr (Cizre) district of Şırnak, 18-month-old Mehmet Uytun died when a gas canister fired by the police hit his head while he was on his mother's lap on the balcony of their house. Specialist Sergeant H.A. on the murder of Uytun. The 3rd hearing of the case brought against him on the charge of "involuntary manslaughter" was held at the Cizre 1st Criminal Court of First Instance. The hearing, which started after the identification, was attended by Abdullah Zeytun, the lawyer of the Uytun family and the President of the Human Rights Association (İHD) Amed Branch, and lawyer Jacob Guven participated. The defendant's lawyer, on the other hand, attended the hearing with the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from his city.
Afterwards, the prosecutor, who presented his opinion on the merits, said: “As it was understood that the baby died as a result of complications in the form of a gas canister ammunition hit by the Istanbul ATK 1st Forensic Medicine Specialization Board Report dated March 21, 2023, the accused, who was working as a law enforcement officer on the date of the incident, stated that: It is clear that he committed the crime against him by firing a gas rifle in an area where there are residences in violation of the duty of care and attention during his intervention in a social event, and by causing the death of Mehmet Uytun after the capsule coming out of the rifle bounced off the wall, causing his death. According to 85/1 of the TCK, it is requested and considered in the name of the public that the person who causes the death of a person by negligence is punished with imprisonment from two years to six years.
Defending against the opinion and the merits, lawyer Zeytun said: “We do not accept the opinion, we think that a decision of non-jurisdiction should be given by the court. We are requesting time to make a statement against the opinion."
The court accepted the requests for additional time and postponed the hearing to May 11.