Amed City Theater: You cannot silence our art

  • actual
  • 17:18 25 April 2023
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DİYARBAKIR - Amed City Theater condemned the Amed-based operation and gave the message "You cannot silence our art".

At least 126 people were detained in house raids in 21 districts based in Amed. Amed City Theater, which was raided as part of the operation and whose artists were detained, also made a statement on its social media account. Amed City Theater shared the following message: “Hevalên me vê sibehê di serdegirtinên malan de hatin binçavkirin. Şanoya Bajar A Amedê rûmeta eat me! Hûn nikarin dengê hûnera me bibirin! Our artist friends were detained during house raids early in the morning. You cannot silence our art!”