'We did not die from the earthquake, we will die from the rubble'

  • actual
  • 10:24 24 April 2023
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MALATYA - Wêranşar district, where earthquake debris spilled into pasture areas, is trying to struggle with the platform they set up. Platform member attorney Elif Ekin Pekdemir said: "People said that they did not die from the earthquake, they will die from the rubble".
Debris removal works continue in Malatya, where destruction occurred in Maraş-centered earthquakes. The debris is poured into the pasture areas of the İnönü University campus and the Memurek region of the Batalgazi district, where 16 neighborhoods are located, and the Çiğlik, Kelhalil, Eskiköy, Süratı and Yuvalı Districts of the Wêranşar (Doğanşehir) district. Those living in Memurek and Weranşar continue their struggle, demanding that the spilling of the rubble be stopped as soon as possible and that the spilled rubble be removed.
The people of the district, who established the Doğanşehir Social Ecology Solidarity Platform against the rubbles spilled into the pasture area of Çiğlik, Kelhalil, Eskiköy, Süratı and Yuvalı Neighborhoods of the Wêranşar district, filed a criminal complaint with the District Chief Public Prosecutor's Office against the spilling of the rubble in the region on the agricultural field and the damage it causes to the environment and human health. Platform member lawyer Elif Ekin Pekdemir, who lives in the Çığlık neighborhood affected by the rubble, said that they will continue to fight until their demands are met.
Stating that the Wêranşar district is one of the places most affected by earthquakes, Pekdemir said: "After the earthquake, debris spilled into the pasture area covering 5 neighborhoods of the district. We applied to the district governor's office to obtain information against the spilling of debris on pasture areas, however, we did not receive a response to our petition and our petition went to the Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, but we did not receive a response again. All our petitions went unanswered. On April 18, we, together with our 4 citizens living in the region, filed a criminal complaint with the Doğanşehir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of deliberate pollution of the environment. We wanted to make a statement here on April 20, but the gendarmerie did not allow us to make a statement here without showing any decision. When we asked them which decision they did not give permission, they said, 'Go and ask the local authority';however, as a result of our efforts, we made our statement near here. We will continue to follow this process legally."
Stating that the information that the drinking water and agricultural land waters of 5 neighborhoods close to the pasture area where the rubble was poured, Pekdemir said: "There are forest areas and apricot orchards close to the area where the rubble was poured. The debris causes environmental and public health problems. There are carcinogenic substances called asbestos in the debris. It contains chemical substances that do not disappear in nature, and these chemicals are poured directly into this region without being separated in any way. Public health experts also warned about the diseases it can cause and to remove the debris with an irrigation method by wearing masks; however, the debris is removed without wearing a mask and without irrigation." 
Emphasizing that it is against the law to dump the rubble into living spaces, Pekdemir said: “Very broad powers were given to the administration with the Presidential decrees hastily with the state of emergency. As a result of these authorities, the law continues to be ignored and the rubble continues to fall. The crime of deliberately polluting the environment is committed by the administrators. The duty of the administration is in the public interest, but there is no application for the public interest. If a decision of non-prosecution is given in the case we opened, we will take it to higher authorities as much as we can. There is a public health problem that will affect future generations. Maybe 5-10 years later, there will be violations of rights that may even violate our right to life.”
Stating that their demand is to stop the spilling of the rubble and to remove the rubble to permanent rubble areas with scientific methods, taking into account the environment and human health, Pekdemir called the environment and ecology institutions as follows: Everyone who struggles against the debris and environmental pollution in the earthquake area is also an earthquake victim. We have clearly expressed our will by saying that we are not leaving from here. We will continue to fight against the debris that poses a threat to the environment and human health. Our call to all non-governmental organizations and environmental organizations is to support us in this process.”
MA / Mahmut Altıntaş