Funeral torture for families: The mourning process does not end

  • actual
  • 10:52 20 December 2022
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VAN - The body of HPG member Kasım Kaya, who died in Panos, has not been released to his family for about 2 years. Stating that the result of the DNA samples they gave has not been announced, Ms. Kaya said that neither the mourning nor the condolence processes of the families who could not reach their funerals did not end.
The body of HPG member Kasım Kaya (Şoreş Andok), who lost his life in the conflict on July 21, 2021 in Panos (Patnos) district of Agirî, has not been released to his family for 17 months. The family, who gave a DNA test on October 2 to diagnose the body, was not informed about the test for a year. One year after the test, Erzurum Forensic Medicine Institute asked the family for a new DNA test to be sent, stating that the test was not taken because the envelope sent to them was open and it was found "suspicious". Thereupon, the family gave a blood sample again for DNA testing in September 2022; however, 3 months have passed since the blood sample was taken, but still no result.
Kasım Kaya's sister and Co-chairperson of the Van Branch of the Association for Assistance, Solidarity, and Culture with Families Losing Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), Ms. Kaya, stated that all their attempts were inconclusive. Stating that they gave a DNA test to the Ağrı Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, Kaya said: "After our application, the authorities said that the body was not theirs and that it might have been eaten by wolves in the conflict zone. This issue was already reflected in the press, and according to the news, we learned that the body was in the hands of the state. In the report prepared at the police station where the incident took place, it was stated that the body was in the hands of the state. After giving the DNA test, we were informed that the envelope in which the test was sent was open and the result was not looked at for reasons such as the envelope being suspicious. We wanted to learn how the envelope was opened and how it was opened. When we give a DNA test, the envelope is already closed. So it cannot be open. We were not informed about how the envelope was opened and who opened it.”
Expressing that neither the condolences nor the mourning process has ended for the families who could not get their funerals, Kaya said: “Because the funerals are not taken, the condolence process does not end either. This psychological pressure is not considered humane and conscientious. My family's condolence process has been going on for about 2 years. We express our condolences every day. It is said that our funeral is in Erzurum Orphan Cemetery. We don't know why they didn't give our body even though they had it. Our struggle as an association will continue until all families receive their bodies. We will not take a step back until we get our bodies.”