They told about the ban that has passed 7 years ago: We will not forget

  • actual
  • 11:59 14 December 2022
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ŞIRNAK - The mothers who did not leave their homes during the curfew period that passed 7 years ago in Silopi, describing what happened at that time, said: "We used to say 'long live peace' by singing against the sound of cannons and tanks."
It has been 7 years since the curfew was declared on December 14, 2015 in Silopi (Silopi) district of Şırnak. While the ban in the city lasted for 38 days, the siege of police and soldiers continued for more than 300 days. According to reports prepared by political parties and human rights organisations, 68 people aged between 11 and 75 died between July 2015 and October 2016. Again, more than 500 houses were destroyed. Although 7 years have passed, the residents of the city continue to heal their wounds. Mothers, who did not leave their homes during the ban, talked about what happened during the ban.
Nuriye Atmış (62), one of the mothers living in Yenişehir District, said: "There were clashes in front of our door. Our electricity was cut off on the first night of the clashes. 13 people stayed in the same room. On the 6th day of the ban, it was raining. Since there was no water, we left large buckets under the rain and we met our water needs. We were greeted in this way. We were washing our dishes with that water, we were praying. In the evening of that day, our house was raided by the special forces police. They shouted 'The state has come.' They searched the house for a while. There was no water, there was no food. We could not leave our children and go anywhere. I will never forget those days."
Pointing out that her daughter-in-law was pregnant during the curfew, Atmış said, "We went to the hospital when the birth approached. We stayed with the special operations police for 2 days. The special operations police were in the maternity ward. They were randomly scanning all the houses during the curfew. Mela Hasan's funeral was in her house for 14 days. He was held in his kitchen, Taybet's mother was held on the street for 7 days. We should not forget these days."
Zeri Aytış (65), who lives in the Zap neighborhood, noted that mothers want peace with their zılgıts. Stating that they had to stay in the same room for 25 days, Aytış said: "We could neither eat nor take a bath. Despite all these difficulties, I was always sticking my head out of the window and singing for peace. I had never seen such difficulty until this age. There was no water in the house. I was singing for peace when the explosion sounded. I used to say to them that I am singing for peace. After 25 days, I walked as far as Tilqebîn Town. I will never forget what I experienced in those days. I will fight for peace as long as I live.”