Condemning attacks from Kurdish parties: National unity is more urgent than yesterday

  • actual
  • 13:27 24 November 2022
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AMED - Reacting to the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and the Iraqi Federated Kurdistan Region, the leaders of the Kurdish parties said: "Their national unity was more urgent than yesterday."
The leaders of the Kurdish parties reacted to the air attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria and the Federated Kurdistan Region on the pretext of an explosion related to the FSA on November 13 in the Taksim district of Istanbul's Beyoğlu district.
While People and Freedom Party (PIA) Chairperson Mehmet Kamaç, Democratic Kurdistan Bakur Party (PDK-Bakur) Chairperson Sertaç Bucak and Turkey Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK-T) Chairperson Mehmet Emin Kardaş called on Turkey to stop its unjust attacks, they said the Kurds should gather around national unity as soon as possible.
Stating that the connections in the Taksim explosion, which was cited as the cause of the Kobanê attack, should be looked at, PIA Chairperson Mehmet Kamaç said: “When we look at the statements of the perpetrators of the incident, the chain of relations and the statements of the Minister of Interior, which contradict both himself and the reality of the incident, it reveals the picture of what kind of a project this incident was intended to be turned into. This incident brought to the minds of almost everyone the execution of two police officers in their homes in Urfa Ceylanpınar, which was shown as the reason for ending the "solution process" in 2015. As it will be remembered, the government, which lost the June 7, 2015 election, ended the resolution process over this incident and entered the November 1 elections with a conflicting process. Is it desired to start another period of conflict over the Taksim incident? While the question occupied everyone's minds, the Rojava attack took place. The process has many similarities with 2015. Turkey is again on the process of an election and the probability of the government losing this election is very high, almost certain. In such an environment, the People's Alliance needs to design the next election process with social engineering."
Making evaluations about the purpose of the AKP government, Kamaç said: “The main issue is that Kurdish votes play a key role in the balance between losing and gaining. For years, the People's Alliance has been trying to appoint trustees to municipalities, arrest politicians, prevent the opening of new political parties (PIA), open closure cases against existing political parties (HDP), etc. The main reason for all such practices is to break up the Kurdish votes and remove them from being a balance, and if possible, even attract them to their side. But this was not possible and the government clearly saw that this would not happen. Now a second plan is in action and that is to strike a blow to the Kurdish gains, especially Rojava, through an intense conflict process and to gather the votes of the nationalist section through it, and to gain the support of these two sections and maintain their power by using the religious feelings of the society. Recently, the invitation of the IYI Party and the Felicity Party to the People's Alliance is the clearest indicator of this."
Saying that it is the most important duty of Kurdish politics to insist on the politics of peace and democratic solution against the war and polarization politics that have been tried many times in the Kurdish question but each time deepens the problems, Kamaç concluded his words as follows: "On the way to the 2023 elections, the most important step that will nullify the design policies of the government is a strong alliance that includes peaceful, democratic, pluralistic everyone and segment. A strong alliance to be formed will be the biggest winner of the winning and losing equation in Turkish politics because losing to the politics of war will gain to the politics of peace. It is the top priority of everyone, democratic and liberal, to lose to a politics that sees every way as permissible in order to win an election. The biggest task in this regard falls on Kurdish politics in terms of the scope and meaning it covers. It will protect and expand its gains, and it will make those who build their future on the Kurds lose. It is an approach that is aware of the fact that the politics of the coming period will be a founding politics and its parliament will be a constituent parliament. Kurdish politics should prepare for the 2023 elections with this seriousness and determination.”
Condemning the attacks on Kobanê, PDK-Bakur Chairperson Sertaç Bucak said: "The attacks should be ended as soon as possible. The Kurdish people and their representatives should think carefully and understand the importance of their national unity after their attacks on Kobanê. Kurds are attacked everywhere. These attacks are not new. It's been going on for years. As Kurds, we must come together."
Stating that there are attacks in all places where Kurds live and that the Kurdish people should be sensitive to this, PDK-T Chairperson Mehmet Emin Kardaş said: “The Kurds and their representatives should come together in four parts against these attacks. It is now necessary to become conscious of the Kurdish national existence. We will stop these attacks only if we are united. Therefore, national unity should be established urgently. It is time to set aside interests and arguments.”