HSM denies involvement in Istanbul explosion, calls for its exposure

  • actual
  • 16:46 14 November 2022
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NEWS CENTER - “Turkish officials pointing Kobanê as a target in connection with this incident reveals the aspect of their plan. The incident points to the initiation of a dark plan,” said the HSM.
The Headquarters Command of the People’s Defense Center (HSM) released a statement denying any involvement in the deadly explosion at Istanbul’s Istiklal Avenue on Sunday.
While Turkish officials announced that 46 people, including the person who allegedly left the bomb at the scene, were detained in connection with the explosion, the HSM called for the exposure of the background to the deadly attack.
The statement released by HSM Headquarters Command on Monday includes the following:
“First of all, we offer our condolences to the relatives of the victims and wish the injured a speedy recovery. We have nothing to do with this incident and it is well-known by the public that we would not target civilians directly or approve of actions directed at civilians. We are a movement waging a righteous and legitimate struggle for freedom. We act based on a perspective that seeks to create a common, democratic, free and equal future with the society of Turkey. From this standpoint, us targeting the civilian population in any way is definitely out of the question.
It is a bitter truth that the AKP-MHP regime is having difficulty in the face of our developing legitimate struggle. Especially with the exposure of their use of chemical weapons and images proving them setting the corpses of their own soldiers on fire, it is obvious that there is an attempt to put a dark plan into action to distort the current state altogether. Turkish officials pointing Kobanê as a target in connection with this incident reveals the aspect of their plan. When looked from this point of view, it is obvious that this is a dark incident, and although the perpetrator is claimed to be Kurdish or Syrian, this will not change the consequences. The incident points to the initiation of a dark plan. In this respect, it is of importance that the democratic circles and the public opinion of Turkey see the hoped-for dark period and fight for the exposure of this incident.”