International Women's Conference: Women thanked to Abdullah Öcalan

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  • 11:21 13 November 2022
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ANKARA - Politician Nursel Aydoğan, who said that the slogan "Jin, jiyan, azadi" marked the International Women's Conference in Berlin, said, "Women thanked Mr. Öcalan for presenting this slogan to women of the world, especially Kurdish women."
The second of the International Women's Conference, the first of which was held in Frankfurt on October 6-7, 2018 with the theme of "Revolution under construction", was held in Berlin, Germany, on November 5-6, this year with the motto "Our Revolution: Liberating Life". The conference, which was held with the participation of 800 women from 41 countries, especially representatives of Kurdish women's organizations, emphasized the universalization of women's struggle.
During the two-day conference, 5 sessions were held. In the first session titled “The Third World War and breaking the immunity of the male domination of the state”, the power accumulation of nation states beyond borders and the consequences of wars, occupations, eco-crime and epidemics were discussed. The workshops focused on policies that systematized women's movements, and ways of getting out were discussed. In the 3rd session with the headline “To be formed - The life longed for is not a miracle, but a revolution”; It was discussed in the axis of Sociology of Freedom and Jineology whether it is possible for women to make an ideological exit against the class, nationalism and religiosity that make up the patriarchal mentality. In the 4th session, answers were sought to the questions of "how to live" and "what to do" under the title of "Our Vision - Building a free life". In the 5th and last session titled "Finding our way",  "Jin, jiyan, azadi - Why a supranational women's organization? What is the women's Democratic World Confederalism proposal? was discussed.
After two days of discussions, the final declaration of the conference was announced. In the final declaration, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî: Women Wieving Future Network” was declared.
Politician Nursel Aydoğan, one of the participants of the conference, said that the women's struggle has moved to a universal dimension.
Stating that the conference was attributed to the Kurdish woman Jîna Eminî, who was murdered by the "morality police" in Iran, and Nagihan Akarsel, a member of the Jineology Academy Center, who was murdered in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Aydoğan said that the women's revolution in Northern and Eastern Syria was greeted.
Pointing out that the message of women “We will not give up on a free life” came to the fore at the conference, Aydoğan said, “Now is the time for women's freedom and women's revolution. At the conference, the approach of the sovereigns towards the women's freedom struggle was discussed. Today, women fighting against ISIS in Northern and Eastern Syria and Shengal are being attacked. Those who carried out the revolution and fought for women's freedom are being targeted. We discussed the importance of fighting against it. As a supranational model of women's organization, Democratic Confederalism was discussed. Women shared their experiences. Therefore, it was a conference that developed the women's struggle.”
Emphasizing that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's statement "Life that we long for is achieved by revolution, not miracles" should be taken as a basis in the women's freedom struggle, Aydoğan stated that the revolution can only happen if women's freedom is taken as a basis.
Stating that the slogan of the conference "Jin, jiyan, azadi" became universal, Aydoğan said, "It was exciting to see this. Women thanked Mr. Öcalan, who presented this slogan to women of the world, especially Kurdish women. All participants started their speech with the slogan 'Jin, jiyan, azadi'. It was remarkable that a participant from England specifically stated that Mr. Öcalan had great efforts in the Rojava Revolution.”
Pointing out that the women issue is a universal one, Aydoğan underlined that the struggle of a universal problem is also universal. Aydoğan said, "We can achieve results by carrying our struggle against all kinds of attacks against women in the countries we live in to a universal dimension and making them common, and waging a struggle together."
MA / Yüsra Batıhan