Chemical proposals were returned on the grounds of 'issues not to be asked'

  • actual
  • 14:48 9 November 2022
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ANKARA - The motions of HDP Group Deputy Chairperson regarding the use of chemical weapons were returned, saying "issues that cannot be asked".
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş and Saruhan Oluç asked the Minister of Defense Hulisi Akar to answer the question regarding the use of chemical weapons in Turkey's attacks against HPG members, and was returned by the speaker's office.
The Parliamentary bylaws were cited as the reason for extradition in the reply signed by Speaker's office Mustafa Şentop. In the reasoning for the extradition, it was stated that there was a "personal opinion" in the motion, and that questions 4 and 5 had a "personal opinion" and were among the "issues that could not be asked". It was argued that the proposals were in violation of Article 96 of the bylaws.
Beştaş and Oluç asked the following questions to Minister Akar:
“* Have you initiated an investigation into allegations of chemical or vehicle use? If so, what is the scope of the investigation?
* What measures have you taken so far as the Minister of National Defense regarding the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons and/or substances in the international conventions that Turkey is a party to and signed and in our own laws?
* As the Minister of National Defense, isn't the statement that you said "only tear gas was used" while giving information in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on  February 13, 2021 not in violation of Article 5 of the Chemical Weapons Convention?
* Serious allegations and some images are shared with the public regarding the use of banned weapons of mass destruction in operations, and even information is shared that nature has been seriously destroyed in the affected areas. Did the TAF or some unconventional forces acting together use non-official weapons or ammunition in Northern Syria and within the borders of Iraq?
* Considering the fact that the use of chemical and/or weapons of mass destruction weapons and vehicles in the operations is within the scope of war crimes and crimes against humanity, considering the laws and international conventions, do you think, as the Minister of National Defense, to invite international delegations to the operation areas to investigate the allegations?