YPJ Spokesperson: Hol Camp is the most concrete proof of Turkey-ISIS relationship

  • actual
  • 13:48 14 September 2022
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URFA - Stating that the Hol Camp is the most concrete proof of Turkey-ISIS relations, YPJ Spokesperson Ruksen Mihemed said: “If we want to end ISIS, we need to hold Turkey accountable for its support.”

In Northern and Eastern Syria, the second phase of the Humanitarian and Security Campaign was launched on August 25 in the Hol Camp, under the leadership of the Internal Security Forces, with the support of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), YPG/YPJ. As a result of the operation that continued on its 21st day, many tunnels, training places, prisons, torture and murder tools and ammunition belonging to ISIS, as well as secret cells were seized. During the operation on September 7, 2 SDF members lost their lives in the clash with the armed ISIS cell.
Within the scope of the operation, under the leadership of the Women's Defense Units (YPJ), two Yazidi women were liberated, as well as women with handcuffs and traces of torture on their bodies. YPJ Spokesperson Ruksen Mihemed made evaluations to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding the ongoing operation in Hol Camp, the organisation of ISIS within the camp, and what steps will be taken in Hol Camp after the operation.
Stating that the operation in the Hol Camp is the second phase and reminding that the first phase of the operation was initiated under the leadership of Jiyan Tolhildan, who lost his life on July 22 in Turkey's drone attack last year and took an active role in the fight against ISIS, Ruksen Mihemed said: "The start of the second phase is a necessity. Hol camp is one of the most dangerous camps not only for Northern and Eastern Syria, but for the whole world. There are ISIS families from 56 countries in the camp. There are murders and suicides in this camp. In the camp, ISIS provides education to children. A new ISIS generation is growing up. If no action is taken against ISIS while it is reorganizing, we will face many negativities tomorrow. This is a danger not only for us, but for all humanity. We saw it as a necessity to start the second phase to prevent this.”
Stating that the aim of the operation was to end ISIS and reminding the ISIS attack on Sinaa Prison in Hesekê on January 20, 2022, Ruksen Mihemed said: “In order to prevent similar things to happen again, the Internal Security Forces, SDF, YPG/YPJ started this move. Fighting against ISIS is a historic mission and it is our historic mission. As long as there is ISIS, we will fight against it. In the past, we fought against ISIS and physically defeated them on the field. While we were doing this, international powers also gave support. However, at the moment, the responsibility of the camp is only ours, all forces are content with just watching what is going on. No one took a step towards the return of ISIS families in the camp to their countries or their prosecution. This is one of the reasons why we started the operation.”
Stating that ISIS was reorganized in the Hol Camp, Ruksen Mihemed said: “ISIS wants to avenge its defeat. For this, it seeks to create a situation of instability in the region, so it draws strength from Turkey's attacks on the region. Turkey is preparing the ground for the reorganisation of ISIS. Turkey has great support for the ISIS members organised in the Hol Camp. In every respect, Turkey supports these gangs. The Rojava Revolution was carried out under the leadership of women in Northern and Eastern Syria. Since the revolution began, it continues to grow with many gains. Our revolution is an important revolution for all peoples. Our duty is to defend humanity. That's why we named the operation the Humanitarian and Security Initiative. There is both a security and a humanitarian situation. The camp is a threat to all humanity and its security must be taken."
Ruksen Mihemed said: "Many tunnels and training places have been identified as a result of the operation. ISIS members both hide their weapons and the people they killed in the tunnels. In the camp, places used by ISIS as courts were identified. In order for the ISIS terror to continue, children are given education in the camp, these places have been identified. We undertook this task to prevent ISIS terrorism from continuing. However, this is not only our duty, but the duty of all international forces that say they are against ISIS. We are doing our duty to defend humanity. However, this is not enough, it needs to be supported. ISIS families need to return to their countries. A solution must be found so that these families do not organise until they are taken over. The danger is growing day by day, it has to be prevented.”
Stating that the security of the Hol Camp was ensured with great sacrifice despite limited opportunities, Ruksen Mihemed said: "That camp was a bomb whose exploding time is uncertain. The relations between Turkey and ISIS were documented once again with the organisational documents seized within the framework of the operation. We have documented this many times. The relationship between Turkey and ISIS is unveiled. Weapons, clothes and money seized in the camp are the most concrete proof  of this. Turkey is doing its best for the restructuring of ISIS. If we want to end ISIS, we need to call Turkey to account for supporting ISIS. It is not possible to end ISIS without ending support for ISIS."
Stating that the liberation of Yazidi women motivates the women of the YPJ, Ruksen Mihemed said: “The biggest success we achieved in the operation was the liberation of women. As the YPJ, after the attack on Shengal in 2014, we promised to defend the Yazidi women. Since we made this promise, we have liberated thousands of women. This promise continues. We will avenge the Yazidi women. We will hold them accountable for the massacres and traumas inflicted on them. As long as a Yazidi woman is held captive, we will continue our struggle by growing. ISIS and Turkey wanted to end the Yazidi people, who have a deep-rooted history, but we did not and will not allow this. Just as we liberated thousands of women, we will continue to protect them from now on. The Yazidi women we liberated will lead a new free life. As YPJ, it is our duty to liberate women. Turkey openly supports ISIS. If Turkey is not held accountable, ISIS will become a more dangerous organisation in the past. All international powers should pave the way for Turkey to be put on trial for her punishment.”