EFJ President: Detaining journalists violates press freedom

İZMİR - Stating that the detention of journalists in Diyarbakır is a violation of press freedom, the new President of EFJ, Maja Sever, stated that they will be in solidarity against the oppression.
22 people, 20 of whom are journalists, were detained with raids on their homes and media outlets in Diyarbakır on June 8. 22 people, including the employees of Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), Xwebûn Newspaper, JINNEWS and Mezopotamya Agency (MA), were referred to Diyarbakır Courthouse today.
EFJ President Maja Sever, who was elected as the new President of the EFJ at the 12th General Assembly of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in İzmir, criticised to the detention of Kurdish journalists. Noting that she has been aware of the pressures against the press in Turkey for a long time, Sever said, “I closely follow the pressures against journalists in Turkey. We have supported the freedom of the press with our struggle so far. We will support more from now on. It is very difficult for me to say anything concrete at the moment, but in the upcoming period we will make efforts to support independent and brave media. We will support journalists in Turkey."
Noting that the detention of 20 Kurdish journalists is a violation of freedom of the press, Sever said, “Reports about the detained journalists were delivered to us at our conference. I know it is a very difficult situation. The reason we are here and organised in a union is to defend and protect journalists against these pressures. We will be in solidarity and exchange of ideas with journalists on this issue."