Police raid on HDK Headquarters

ISTANBUL - Police raided HDK Headquarters and detained scores of people in many provinces.
The headquarters of the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) in Istanbul's Beyoğlu district was raided by the police early in the morning. Police broke down the doors of the building and stormed the place. It was learned that some materials were confiscated during the raid carried out within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Tekirdağ Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.
Within the scope of the investigation, it was stated that many houses in 10 provinces were raided and 42 people were detained.
The names of some people detained are as follows: HDP Headquarters Manager Abdurrahman Öztürk, HDP PM member Kenan Yıldız, HDP Kırıkkale Provincial Co-chair Yakup Aslan, HDP Bağcılar District Organization manager Ramazan Kırkpınar, HDP Beylikdüzü District Co-chair İrfan Hülakü, HDP Edirne Provincial Co-chair Melahat Çelik, HDP Tekirdağ former Provincial Co-chair Alev Ateş, HDP administrators Ömer Güven, Hüseyin Gözen, Emin Şen and Ercan Ogeday, MATUHAYDER administrator Cihan Kartal, GÖÇ-DER administrator Şeref Kaya.