'Turkey must be tried in international courts'

NEWS CENTER - Cizîrê Human Rights Group member Evîn Cuma reminded that the use of chemical weapons is the biggest war crime and said that Turkey should be tried in international courts.
The Kurds, who have been subjected to policies of extermination and denial throughout history, are now the target of attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria. After Halabja and Anfal, where thousands of Kurds were massacred with chemical weapons, it continues its attacks on Kurds with similar methods in the Federated Kurdistan Region in cooperation with Turkey's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Continuing its attacks on Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn on April 17 within the scope of the war concept, AKP-KDP is attacking with chemical weapons in many regions.
Evîn Cuma, a member of the Cizîrê Human Rights Group, who criticizes the international powers that remain silent on Turkey's use of chemical weapons despite being banned, said that Turkey should be tried in international courts for committing war crimes. Expressing that the use of chemical weapons is an attack not only against people, but also against nature, Cuma said, “The killing of a person with chemical weapons is defined as a war crime. Using chemical weapons to destroy nature is also a crime. These weapons cause great harm to nature and society. Unfortunately, we see that Turkey is using heavy weapons. It was previously used in Afrin, Serêkaniyê and other Rojava regions. Now Turkey is using the same weapons in Southern Kurdistan. Human rights organizations should report these crimes to the relevant authorities. They not only target people, they also destroy nature and the environment."
Stating that Turkey, which continues to use chemical weapons, prevents the investigations and researches into these allegations, Cuma said, “Recently, a delegation wanted to investigate the use of chemical weapons, but it was blocked. No matter what, the truth will out one day."
Expressing that KDP and Iraqi government allowed Turkey's attacks, Cuma said, "The KDP is complicit in this crime. It is doing this instead of defending their lands. Neither the regional government nor the Baghdad government has responded to questions about this crime.". Noting that Turkey is encouraged by the silence of international powers, Cuma said, "All human rights violations and war crimes are being covered up."" 
Expressing that human rights organizations and international institutions should break their silence against the use of chemical weapons in Turkey, Cuma said, “The use of chemical weapons in the South and in Rojava should be investigated. There are people who lost their lives as a result of these chemical weapons. The environment was also damaged. All findings should ve investigated. Turkey should be prosecuted for its war crimes.  Turkey should be held responsible before the international community for its violations and crimes. We call on all human rights activists to stand up against these war crimes. The damage caused by chemical weapons is huge and its effects of it continues for years."