Turkey became a paradise for criminal organisations with new Paramilitary Structure State Galahads

İZMİR - CHP İzmir MP Murat Bakan announced that a person who had a fight in Torbalı district had an identity card on him, in the name of "State Galahads of Turkey".
CHP İzmir MP Murat Bakan stated that one of the two people who were involved in a fight in the Torbalı district of İzmir had a identity card issued on behalf of the "State Galahads of Turkey" and that the card had a Presidential seal on it. The Minister shared a photo of a pistol with a magazine on his social media account and the card written "Turkey State Galahads Representative Identity Card" issued in the name of Mehmet Cazip Obay.
The following statements were included in the post: "We are not saying it in vain when we say that there are paramilitary groups in Turkey. After SADAT, People's Special Operations, AKP Youth Houses, Special Operations Association, the so-called Turkish State Galahads were exposed. Police teams intervening two people fighting in Torbalı find this identity on one of them. Now, we are walking on the same streets with people who call themselves a State Galahad, with a Presidential seal on their identity card.
During the period of the person occupying the office of Ministry of Interior for six years, Turkey became a paradise for criminal organisations. Moreover, these structures operate openly. I'm talking about associations that look like Government Officials, wear Turkey State uniforms, use Presidential seals, and carry Turkish IDs in their pockets.
These are the tip of the iceberg of criminal organisations, SADAT, Hezbollah, or galahads, no matter who you are, we will continue expose you. After the elections, we will clear Turkey of criminal organisations and paramilitary structures of the government.