Peace Mothers: We shared our bread with KDP, they are killing our children

BATMAN - Condemning the KDP's attacks against the gains of Kurds together with the AKP-MHP, Peace Mother Nuran Seçkin told that KDP supporters came all the way to Batman fleeing from Saddam and they shared their bread with them and said: "Now they are killing our children."
Turkey's attack on the Zap, Avaşîn and Metîna regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 17, in partnership with the KDP, continues with fierce clashes. Batman Peace Mothers condemned the KDP's joint operation with the AKP-MHP. Stating that the KDP no longer has any legitimacy among the Kurds, the Peace Mothers called on the people of Bashur to take a stand against the KDP.
Peace Mother Nuran Seçkin reminded that no one wins in a war, that it harms all rights, and said, "This attack on our children should be stopped."
Reacting to Turkey's use of chemical weapons and poison gas in cross-border operations, Seçkin addressed KDP Chairman Mesut Barzani and said, "Did Mesud Barzani forget the babies killed in their mother's arms? Those children are our children. When Saddam attacked them back them, they came all the way to Batman. We shared our bread with them. We took them in. We considered them our children. Now they are killing our children. We will not forgive that. All mothers should stand up against this war."
Another Peace Mother Menfiat Çelik called for unity against war. Reminding the protest against Barzani with the guerilla shoes, Çelik said: "Those who showed him those shoes summerized our feelings just right. Barzani lost the favour of the Kurds. He is less valuable than those shoes."
Peaca Mother Sultan Azboy said: "The attack against the children of Kurds started when Barzani went to Ankara. Everyone here helped them when they were fleeing from the tyranny of Saddam. We united back then. We shared everything we had with them. Now he is attacking our children. We will stand by our children until the last drop of our blood. The women abducted from Shengal are still missing. Barzani family is responsible for that. He should account for those women first."
MA / Fethi Balaman