Ferhan Yılmaz's mother: They tortured my son to death

  • actual
  • 16:17 18 April 2022
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BATMAN - Sabriye Yılmaz, mother of prisoner Ferhan Yılmaz who was tortured to death, said, “I spoke to him on Wednesday, his body was sent to us on Saturday. My son did not commit suicide, they tortured him to death."

The traces of torture that became evident after the video footage at the hospital revealed that Ferhan Yılmaz was tortured to death 60 guards in Silivri No. 5 Type L Closed Prison, are on the public agenda. Despite the video of Yılmaz and the statements of his family, the prison administration claimed that he "had a heart attack". His death was recorded as an “infectious disease” in the hospital death report. The prosecutor's office, which did not make a statement about the torture, targeted the news on the murder. Contrary to official authorities, Yılmaz's family states that their son have been tortured to death since day one. Yılmaz's mother, Sabriye Yılmaz (60), told about what happened and the their story of how they had to migrate. 
In her speech, mother of Yılmaz, who wanted those responsible to be punished many times, said that she will never let this murder go unpunished. The family of Yılmaz, living in the Tanze village of Batman, had to migrate to Istanbul after their village was burned down in 1994. Describing what happened at that time, The mother said, “We were living a good life in our village, but our village was burned down. We migrated to Istanbul when we had no other option. We lived in basements for years. Our children had hard times, we suffered from poverty, we did not see any comfort in Istanbul. We have lived through hunger, misery, everything. We were displaced, we were poor, we were in another city. I would like to live in my hometown but it didn't work. We have nothing left, they burned everything. ”
Explaining that the pressure on her son never ended during the 4 years he was in prison, the mother said that he told her that he was tortured, he was left without food and water. The authorities of the prison did not allow us to send his needs to the prison. They did not leave my child alone. The prisoners were literally being tortured. When I went to the non-contact visit, he said that he was not doing ok and that he wanted to change his ward, but they did not change it.”
The mother of Yılmaz, who was sad that she could not see her son for the last time, said, "Ferhan called me and asked me to visit to him. But I said I couldn't go to visit him because I have diabetes. Then he wanted to video chat, but we couldn't meet because I didn't have internet. There were two days until my child was released from prison, but they tortured my son to death.” 
Emphasizing that the mother went to the hospital after receiving the news of her son's death, but the body was not shown to her at the hospital, she said: “They hid my child from me. At first they told me he had a 'heart attack'. I called my eldest son to find out what was the matter. We called the prison but they told us not to call them. They told us to go the prison but they didn't tell us anything when we got there and didn't show us my son's body. I did not see my son's body. There were many soldiers and police officers in front of the prison. There was another person in the hospital, and they said he also had a heart attack. How can two people have a heart attack at the same time? We waited for hours to see him but they didn't show him to us."
The mother, who did not accept the claims of the prison who said her son had a heart attack said: "My child did not commit suicide, he has wounds all over his body. They tortured him to death. There is no such thing as a heart attack. They broke his nose and he had blood all over his mouth. My child was covered in bruises and he was battered. My child has been tortured in prison for 4 years. The guards tortured him to death not somebody else. I spoke him on Wednesday, the body was sent to us on saturday. Why didn't the state call and offer their condolences? We too live in this country. Why didn't they say anything? All the families of the prisoners in that prison are concerned.”
Sabriye Yılmaz said: “I only want justice for my son. They tortured my son to death before the eyes of the state. They have to find out who tortured my son to death. I hope Whoever, tortured my son to death, dies the same death. My son was murdered, but other people's children should not die like this. I will not let this go until I die. I will continue to demand justice for my son, I will seek his rights."
MA / Action Akdag-Fethi Balaman