Yılmaz's family: Tortured to death 2 days before his release

  • actual
  • 14:26 13 April 2022
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BATMAN - Hikmet Yılmaz, elder brother of Ferhan Yılmaz, who died in Silivri Prison, stated that his brother's nostrils were stuffed up with cotton so that blood would not come, and said, "He was tortured and murdered 2 days before his release." 
In Silivri No. 5 Type L Closed Prison, 2 prisoners were murdered after the pressure and torture of 60 guards. The family, who took Ferhan Yılmaz's remains from Silivri State Hospital, laid him to rest in the Kanîrewa (Örmegözü) village of Batman yesterday evening. The family, who wanted to get the preliminary autopsy report, was given the answer that it will come out in 6 months. The family, who could not get information and an autopsy report from the authorities about what happened in Silivri Prison, stated that they think their children was murdered because of the traces of torture seen on his body. Ferhan Yılmaz's older brother, Hikmet Yılmaz, spoke to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about what happened before and after his brother's death.
Reacting to the fact that the preliminary autopsy report was not released to them, Hikmet Yılmaz said, "They tried to cover up the murder. My brother was tortured and killed two days before his release. We took his remains the day we were going to meet him in front of the prison."
Stating that the prison administration informed that Ferhan Yılmaz had a heart attack, Hikmet Yılmaz said, "The people who called us from the prison administration said that he had a heart attack. As soon as we got the news, we went to Istanbul. When we went there, they had taken my brother to Silivri State Hospital. We called the prison again. We said we didn't believe he had a heart attack. 2 people died. Did they both have a heart attack at the same time? Then they said that the prisoners took pills. They gave us contradictory information because even to get painkiller in prison is an issue, you have to go with the guards to the infirmary, sign a document, and then they give you the painkillers. They probably gave him more pills than he needed and told him to commit suicide. The contradictory information they gave is proof that it was a murder." 
Hikmet Yılmaz also shared the information that the doctor said what happened to his brother, happened in the prison. He died on the way to the hospital. His organs have failed. He didn't have a heart attack."
Stating that Yılmaz, who was going to be released from prison two days later, talked to his mother three days before his death and that his mother sent him 400 TL, Hikmet Yılmaz said, "My mother wired the money to him. The money went to prison, but it was not transferred to my brother's account. The next day, he called my mother again and said that the money still hasn't transferred to his account. They prevented him from recieving the money. My brother's remains were released to us yesterday. I can still hear the cries of my mother."
Expressing that he washed his brother's body and was horrified by what he saw, Hikmet Yılmaz said: “Blood was flowing from his eyes, his nostrils were stuffed with cotton balls to prevent blood from coming out. There were ligiture marks on his throat. He had bruises on his chest and a 20 cm mark on his throat. It looked like they tried to choke him with a rope. It was Diyarbakır in 80's all over again. Prisoners were murdered with torture in Diyarbakır Prison in the 1980s, the same thing is happening in Silivri Prison today. My brother was tortured to death. Whoever is responsible must be held accountable before the law. We will file a criminal complaint against the prison administration. Although 3 days have passed since the incident, the Minister of Justice still has not made a statement.”
Stating that the MPs from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and the Republican People's Party (CHP) reached out to them about what happened in prison and received information about the incident, Hikmet Yılmaz said, "The MPs said that they were not allowed in prison, either. In a prison where even MPs are not allowed, it is obvious that the truth is being covered up."
MA/ Fethi Balaman