Turkification policy in Afrin


NEWS CENTER - Evaluating Turkey's Turkification policies in Afrin, Head of the Immigrant Affairs Department of Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Şêxmûs Ehmed said, "Turkey's aim is to change the demographic structure of the region."

In addition to displacement, kidnapping, murder and looting in Afrin, controlled by Turkey and its paramilitary forces since 2018, they wanted to destroy the nature and culture of the region. For years, special policies have been carried out in the region to change the demographic structure of Afrin. The policy of Turkification was put into effect with steps such as the establishment of Turkish-affiliated institutions in Afrin and the change of education language to Turkish.
According to Hawar Agency (ANHA); Before Afrin came under the control of Turkey and paramilitary forces, its Kurdish population was over 95 percent. This rate has dropped to 25 percent. Despite international law that makes forced migration a crime against humanity, there was silence. Under Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of 1988, the expulsion or forced return of residents during large-scale or deliberate attacks is a criminal offense.
According to the documents released by the Afrin Human Rights Organization, more than 8,063 people were abducted and more than 655 people lost their lives in Afrin in a 4-year period. 90 of the abducted died as a result of torture. More than 696 people were injured as a result of the gunfire. More than 60 historical monuments, tombs and places of worship were destroyed.
As part of the demographic change in Afrin, associations established in Turkey and being active in regions under Turkish control across the border, in cooperation with Ikhwan organisations, set up checkpoints to accommodate Turkmen and Arab foreigners and the families of paramilitary groups.
Ikhwan associations originating from Qatar, Kuwait and Palestine are Turkey's main branches that finance groups in Afrin. Some of these associations are El-Eyş Bîkerama, Ayadî El-Beyda, Xuza El-Beyda, Qatar-Turkey Beyar Association and Qatari Eta Bîla Hidud.
Speaking to ANHA, Şêxmûs Ehmed, Head of the Immigration Affairs Department of the Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration, said, “Turkey's aim is to change the demographics of the region by constructing colonial buildings in Afrin. The project will pose a threat to the demographics of the region in the near future. If Turkey's aim is to provide humanitarian aid, why don't they support Idlib refugees in the camps?" 
Ehmed said that Turkey has committed crimes against the people of Afrin with the support of some Kuwaiti religious associations and organisations, the Qatari regime, which supports the Ikhwan with money and intelligence, as well as some organisations affiliated with the Ikhwan, and said: “These organisations and associations are extremists. They serve for the policies of Turkey.They mostly serve for Jabhet Al Nusra and ISIS. In the name of humanitarian aid and Islam, these groups and organizations are now doing in Syria what they did in Afghanistan or Iraq."
Drawing attention to the hypocritical policies of the associations, Ehmed said, "These associations and organisations do not provide assistance to Syrian refugees in need of humanitarian aid, neither in Idlib nor elsewhere. They are establishing terror cells in Afrin territory. Supporting gang groups that displaced Afrin's original inhabitants, this organisation It shows that the organisation and associations are cooperating with the invading Turkish state."