Kamaç: The policies developed by the KDP are the main source of the problems

VAN -  Stating that the policies developed by the KDP are the main source of the problems, PIA Chair Mehmet Kamaç said that the KDP should not prioritize its party and regional activities over the gains of the Kurds.
While the military operation launched by Turkey on April 23, 2021 against the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region has been going on for about a year, the air strikes against Shengal and Makhmur Camps continue. While the operations and attacks continued with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani recently met with AKP Chair Tayyip Erdogan, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and MIT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan. After this meeting, it came to the agenda that Turkey and the KDP could launch a new military operation in the region. 
People and Freedom Party (PIA) Chair Mehmet Kamaç evaluated the decisions taken by Turkey towards the region with the support of the KDP to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA).
Stating that every part of the Kurdistan has its own realities and dynamics, Kamaç reminded that the administration established in Bashur Kurdistan for 30 years has different relations with the world and with the countries of the region. Pointing out that these relations must be based on the interests of the Kurds, Kamaç said, “The Kurdistan problem is such a real issue that we see that any negativity that develops in one part affects all parts. This problem developing in Başûr today naturally affects all parts of Bakûr, Rojava and Rojhilat. The gains of the Kurds in the 21st century have been enormous. They have to consider the gains of Kurds in all their policies."
Stating that Turkey's relations with the KDP have gained a different momentum recently, Kamaç said that the KDP should not forget Turkey's stance in the independence referendum held in the Federated Kurdistan Region in 2017. Kamaç said, “Turkey has recently increased its political, economic and military relations with the KDP. It is a natural approach for the KDP to develop its relations with other countries. But in the end, when establishing relations, it is necessary to consider the basic achievements of the Kurds and the situations that will harm the future of the Kurds. In the independence referendum held in the Federated Kurdistan Region on September 25, 2017, a declaration of will of the Bashur people was in question. Despite this declaration of will, the world saw how Turkey and its accompanying countries reacted. This is the most concrete example of how Turkey and its accompanying states approach the Kurds. The KDP administration should see this."
Emphasizing that the Kurdish structures in the four parts of Kurdistan should work for national unity, Kamaç said, “We have witnessed thousands of times the damage done to the Kurds by the failure to achieve national unity. The issue of national unity needs to be discussed and settled on a fundamental basis. The Kurds do not have the right to deepen some of the problems that arise among themselves, to turn them into a crisis, and moreover, to turn it into a conflict. Regardless, the Kurds now need to resolve the existing questions among themselves with the consciousness of national unity. While the oppression of the colonialist states in Kurdistan is evident, the Kurds should not harm each other. Kurdish gains were not easily achieved and should not be easily lost. They did not allow those who had come to Newroz celebrations wearing local dresses just a . All of these should give the Kurds the following awareness; The gains in any part of Kurdistan are the gains of all Kurds, and the losses will affect all Kurds. "No one should harm the gains of the Kurdish people for the sake of their ."
Pointing out that the policies that the KDP has recently developed in Bashur Kurdistan are the source of the main problems, Kamaç said: "The KDP administration should be criticised on this issue. It is necessary to explain that the special circumstances of the region should be taken into consideration while taking steps. The gains and future of the Kurds are much more important than the future of a part of them. Of course, the KDP must have relations with both Turkey and the world, but these relations must be on the right ground. After all, it is recognized by many states in the world as self-government. However, while establishing these relations, the KDP administration needs to observe some delicate balances. It is always necessary to warn that the KDP should not place its party and regional activities above the gains of the Kurds.”
MA / Hakan Yalçın