Letter from Ayşe Gökkan to women's movement of Turkey

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  • 12:26 22 January 2022
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NEWS CENTER - TJA Term Spokesperson Ayşe Gökkan wrote a letter to the women's movement of Turkey regarding the seriously ill prisoners, Semire Direkçi, Gülli Kara and Zekiye Tekin in Turkish prisons.

Ayşe Gökkan, the Term Spokesperson of the Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad -TJA) held in Diyarbakır Women's Closed Prison, sent a letter to the women's movements in Turkey regarding the situation of ill prisoners in prison. The letter was also signed by Fatma Gül, Feyza Aksoy, Zelal Bilgin, Jiyan Arıkboğa and Fatma Narin.
Gökkan stated that the penal system based on isolation is one of the leading crimes against humanity and reminded of the universal human rights declarations. Gökkan noted that in all of these declarations, the protection of the right to life of women, people, children, people with disabilities and those imprisoned is one of the highest humanitarian duties. Expressing that torture, isolation, ill-treatment, breaking people's will with violence, violations of rights are considered to be crimes against humanity by the universal declarations to which Turkey is a party, Gökkan stated that the protection of the right to life is a legitimate, humanitarian, conscientious, moral and legal duty.
Ayşe Gökkan continued her letter as follows: 
Law and rights defenders, independent women's movements, thinkers and beliefs ranks at the top of the constitutions of these states. In the 21st century when we say 'A world without prisons is possible', the number of prisons double the number of universities. Turkey is also known as the biggest jailer for women. In a penal system based on isolation and in a time when the whole world is trying to deal with a pandemic, keeping ill prisoners in isolation in prisons is an injustice. Their access to health is next to non-existant.Us, who signed this letter and who are imprisoned for fighting for women's rights, are living here together with ill prisoners and convicts."
We are witnessing practices in prison that one can not stand. While 15 women suffering from deadly diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and asthma, older prisoners and disabled prisoners are held in unbefitting phsyical conditions, seriously ill prisoners  Zekiye Tekin (65), Semire Direkçi (49), Gülli Kara (41) are still being held in Diyarbakır Women's Closed Prison.
According to the data of Ankara Medical Chamber (ATO) there are 1,941 detained and convicted children in prisons. Again, according to the reports of the Human Rights Association (İHD), published on December 15, 2021 there are 1,605 ill prisoners, 604 seriously ill prisoners in Turkish prisons. It was shared with the public that more than 600 prisoners should be released immediately. 
The penal system based on isolation in 21st Century have taken its place in universal law literature as places of 'civil death'.
Us, political female prisoners who signed this letter, call on to legal organisations, bar associations, political parties, women's organisations to stand up against this penal system based on isolation and help get the ill prisoners, especially Aysel Tuğluk, released as soon as possible."