Justice Watch in Van: Hear our voices

  • actual
  • 10:56 21 December 2021
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VAN - Relatives of the prisoners, who continue the Justice Watch in Van, said, “People should hear our voices now. We don't want coffins coming out of prisons anymore."

The justice Watch started by the families of ill-prisoners and the prisoners who are not released despite they served their sentence continues on its 33rd day. Relatives of prisoners continuing the sit in at Van Bar Association building called on to the people to raise their voices for the prisoners.
Underlining that her son is so sick he can't maintain his life alone in prison, Zeynep Dayan, mother of ill prisoner Sinan Karel demanded her son to be released with all ill- prisoners. Pointing out that her son was handed over a 35 years of prison sentence, Dayan told that the trial is still ongoing. Stating that her son had multiple surgeries, Dayan said: "They put him under quarantine after the surgery. We haven't heard from him in 24 days. We don't know how he is doing. I am here to demand the release of all ill prisoners not only my son. Hundreds of mothers should be here. We call on the families of prisoners to support our sit in."
Aslıhan Timur, mother of Botan Timur in Van Type F Prison told that 3 of her sons are in prison, said: "If there were justice in this country the prisoners would not be leaving the prisons in coffins. Everyday an ill prisoner loses their lives in cells. This must end now. Scores of political prisoners are held in prisons even though they served their sentence. They want them to die there. All mothers should raise their voices against this."
Serhat Alkan, the 11-year-old grandson of Dilşah Alkan, whose grandfather and father are imprisoned, also supports families by participating in the sit in.