Güzel: Turkey violates Geneva Protocol

  • actual
  • 12:54 16 November 2021
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DİYARBAKIR -  HDP Deputy Semra Güzel, who stated that Turkey used chemical weapons in violation of the Geneva Protocol, called on the countries that signed the protocol to stop this war crime.

While the military operation launched by Turkey on April 23 against the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region continues, reactions to the use of chemical weapons in the region continue. Stating that the use of chemical weapons is directly related to the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Deputy Semra Güzel said, “Turkey carries out a war-based policy both at home and abroad. It draws its strength from the unlawfulness practiced in Imrali. And finally this policy extended to the use of chemical weapons."
Reminding that they always said that peace will be possible when Öcalan is free to communicate, Güzel said: "All of this unlawfulness starts from Imrali and spreads to all areas of life. If we as a society fight against the isolation imposed on us, we will break the isolation in Imrali. The roots of the isolation traces back to Imrali."
Noting that there are findings that Turkey used chemical weapons in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Güzel said, “The findings and the stories of the witnesses show that chemicals were used. In order for us to prove this definitively, sample must be taken from the ground to be examined in a laboratory. "
Reminding the fact that Turkey donated 30 euros to the OPCW, which is responsible for investigating the allegations that Turkey used chemical weapons in Serêkaniyê in 2019, Güzel said, “Phosphorus gas was used in Serêkaniyê. This has been proved. And right after this was proved TUrkey donated 30 thousand Euros to OPCW. OPCW did not comment on this. We don't want the same thing to happen again. If there is a use of chemical weapons, there must be some consequences since this is a war crime. And all countries who signed the Geneva Protocol has to speak out."
Stating that the states that signed the Geneva Protocol banning the use, production, storage and circulation of chemical weapons should take action, Güzel said, “War crimes are being committed in the South. Chemical weapons are used. Chemical bombs are used. Turkey is a signatory to the Geneva Protocol. Turkey has signed many legal agreements. It violates all the legal frameworks that exist in these contracts. European countries and every country that is a signatory to the Geneva Convention should raise their voice in the face of this crime. A crime against humanity is committed there. Chemical weapons are used. The institutions that need to conduct an investigation should immediately go there and conduct an investigation. They need to take samples from the ground chemicals were used and from the bodies. As a party against war policies, we consider these operations a crime. We consider it a war crime. This needs to be investigated. Turkey should be tried if necessary for committing a war crime."
Güzel also called on human rights defenders and invited everyone to stand against this war crime.
MA / Eylem Akdağ