'New Ottoman dream hits resistance'

  • actual
  • 11:04 8 November 2021
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NEWS CENTER - Evaluating the 200-day operation in Avaşîn, Metîna and Zap, journalist Deniz Aydın pointed out that the results would affect the Middle East, while Erdoğan Altan said, "The New Ottoman dream has hit resistance."
While the operation launched by Turkey against the Garê area of ​​the Iraqi Federated Kurdistan Region on February 10, 2021 resulted in the death of 13 soldiers, 3 of whom were high ranking soldiers, on April 23,  it has been 200 days since the operation he started in the Avaşîn, Zap and Metîna regions. The government, the Department of Defense, and the media are quietly massing troops, unlike previous operations, which they announced to be having great victories.
With the news of the soldiers who lost their lives right after the start of the operation, the Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar, who went to Şırnak kept his silence, but broke his silence at the ceremony at the Combat Air Force Command in Eskişehir on May 3. In his statement there, Akar said, “Mountains, slopes, it is very difficult to land or take off. Helicopters can't land on the ground. Unfortunately, some countries that we know as friends gave missiles to the PKK. Therefore, landing choppers there is a great risk for us."
Within the scope of the operation, which includes the Zêrewanî and Gulan forces under the command of Azîz Weysî affiliated to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), thousands of soldiers were deployed in the region along with hundreds of paramilitary forces affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA-now called the Syrian National Army-SMO). It was stated that forces affiliated with the paramilitary structure called SADAT were also used. Within the framework of the operation, all kinds of heavy weapons are used in the region, especially warplanes, as well as Armed-Unarmed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SİHA / UAV).
While it was stated that chemical weapons were used at least 323 times in the last 6 months in the region, some politicians in the Federal Kurdistan Region government also confirmed the use of chemical weapons. The calls made by human rights defenders and many non-governmental organizations in Europe to investigate the allegations of chemical weapons use, followed by 109 intellectuals, journalists and academics from Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Region, 44 Arab intellectuals made the same call. Despite the calls, the United Nations and NATO did not start an investigation, while the issue was on the agenda in the parliaments of Turkey, Iraq, Germany, England and Italy.
101 HPG members died in the operations of Turkey 38 of whom died from turkey's chemical attacts. More than 600 soldiers and paramilitary merceneries affiliated with the TSK also lost their lives in the operations. However TSK claims that only 28 soldiers died. Many civillians living in Federated Kurdistan Region have lost their lives and more than 40 villages were evacuated.
Journalists Deniz Aydın and Erdoğan Altan shared their observations from the ground, commenting on the operation, which is getting stronger with each passing day, in which warplanes and heavy weapons as well as chemical weapons are used.
According to journalist Deniz Aydın, who has been closely following the operation in the region since the beginning, operations are carried out within the scope of the plan to collapse the Kurds, adopted by the Turkish National Security Council (NSC) on October 30, 2014. Stating that the operations are carried out within the scope of the "Buffer zone strategy", Aydın evaluated the aim as "an effort to settle in the region, to realize the dreams of the National Pact and to reach Mosul and Kirkuk". Emphasizing that Turkey aims to reach the Jordan border with the buffer zone to be created, Aydın said that it aims to "destroy the gains of the Kurds, sever the connection between Rojava and Southern Kurdistan, end the autonomy of the Yazidis in Shengal and siege North-East Syria from the east".
Reminding that Turkey plans all its power according to the war, Aydın stated that for this reason, Turkey does not hesitate to commit war crimes, including using banned chemical weapons. Aydın continued: “Turkey has invested all its resources in the war. In this process, it was revealed that technical superiority did not benefit on the field. As Turkey could not get the result it wanted to achieve, it also came to the point of exhausting its resources. For this reason, it now has different pursuits. As a result, it is possible to foresee that there will be great gains for the Kurds according to the course of this process. The current struggle and the results will bring important results not only for the guerrilla forces, but also for all parts of Kurdistan and even the Middle East. In this respect, it sets an example for all fighting forces."
Journalist Erdoğan Altan, who closely follows the operations in the region, underlined that the KDP, acting together with the AKP-MHP government, was alone in the operation. Noting that the KDP has also become a party of the war crimes in the region, Altan said, "It can be said that all three of them will be prosecuted for the use of chemical weapons."
Noting that the operation started with the "New Ottoman dream" with the permission of the USA, Israel and England, Altan said: "The operation can be said to have hit the guerrilla resistance." Emphasizing that the resistance against the operation, led by the Kurdish Freedom Movement, made the Kurdish people the most important factor in the equation planned for the region, Altan made the following determinations: “We can say that a lot has changed. It is certain that all the powers in question will have the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the Kurdish people at the forefront while trying to establish a plan and balance strategy for the region.Despite all its technology, the Turkish state could not advance. Turkey could not advance for an inch despite the KDP, which has been included in the plan since Garê.. As a result of these, Turkey and the KDP have lost and continue to lose militarily, politically, economically and diplomatically.”
MA / Ahmet Kanbal