Air strike on Shengal: 2 dead

  • actual
  • 15:35 16 August 2021
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HABER MERKEZİ - Two people lost their lives as a result of the air strike against teh Old Bazaar in Shengal, one person was injured.
War planes belonging to Turkey carried out an air strike against the Old Bazaar in Shengal. Two people were killed in the attack while one person was injured. Both the injured and the people who lost their lives were taken to Shenhal Hospital.
A large number of Shengal residents protesting the attack continues to wait in front of the hospital. 
The bombardment before the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kazimi to Shengal drew attention. Iraqi forces also went to the area where the attack took place.
Speaking to Rojnews, Iraqi Parliament Defense Committee Member Elî El Xanımi condemned the attack and said: "Turkey bombed Shegal before the eyes of the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kazımi. This attack proves that the Turkish state does not respect Iraq's sovereign rights in any way."
On June 30, Turkey had bombed the vicinity of the Serdeşt Camp on Mount Şengal with an Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SİHA).