Çelik: Cross-border operation is a continuation of the plan to annihilate Kurds

İSTANBUL - Stating that the cross-border operation is the continuation of the plan to annihilate the Kurds, politician Demir Çelik said: "They first decided to destroy the centers of resistance. It is obvious that Kurds in general will be targeted after the PKK."
In Federated Kurdistan, efforts to create conflict between Kurds and tensions continue through the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which Turkey has economically and politically controls.  Unable to achieve what it expected in the cross-border operation against Zap, Avaşin and Metina areas, the AKP is trying to get results by starting a war among Kurds.
In order to end the long-standing tension and prevent a possible conflict, delegations were sent from Europe to the region. However, members of the Peace Delegation and Defend Kurdistan Initiative, who wanted to hold talks for a solution dialogue, faced detention and ill-treatment. Demir Çelik, the former Chairman of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and 24th term HDP Muş MP who was in the Peace Delegation and was detained at Hewlêr Airport on June 12 and deported evaluated the dangers and oportunities the Kurds face. 
Stating that Turkey is trying to invade and control the Federated Kurdistan and North and East Syria for the last decade, Çelik pointed out that the national awakening and unity of the Kurds was thus prevented. On the other hand, underlining that Turkey aims to seize the riches of Mosul and Kirkuk, Çelik said, “Therefore, Al Nusra, which is called paramilitary forces, has used and still continues to use organizations such as ISIS and FSA.  But it seems that they were not successful in this strategy and therefore they came to rely on an inter-Kurdish conflict." Pointing out that the operation against Avaşîn, Zap and Metina areas could not be successful despite the use of all kinds of advanced technology tools, Çelik said, “There is a defeat and a military failure. They resorted to provoking a war mong Kurds to cover up this failure."
Reminding that they went to the Federated Kurdistan Region as a Peace Delegation formed in Europe after 5 peshmerga lost their lives in the attack in the Metina region within the borders of Amadiye, but they were detained at Hewler Airport, Çelik said that their aim is to prevent a possible war and to try to solve the problems through dialogue and negotiation. . Regarding what he went through during his detention and deportation, Çelik said: “What we went through here hurt us. It was really painful. While Bashur Kurdistan has been the apple of the eye of the Kurds who have been subjected to genocide for centuries, we were not welcomed in a way corresponding to this sensitivity. Stating that the Defend Kurdistan Initiative was founded under the leadership of internationalists as a result of the evaluations that a possible war poses a great risk and threat to the Kurds, Çelik underlined that their aim is to expand the struggle for the status of all Kurds and to turn them into an organized power in all aspects. Çelik emphasized that this initiative was a step towards achieving unity that the Kurds had not been able to achieve for centuries."
Evaluating the attitude of Germany towards the Peace Delegation and the Defend Kurdistan Initiative, Çelik told hat what happened should be dealt with in line with the policies of NATO and member states. Stating that both the attacks on North-East Syria and the Federated Kurdistan Region and an inter-Kurdish conflict policy are not independent of NATO, Çelik said that the events were directly related to the isolation policy developed after PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan was brought to Turkey with an international conspiracy.
Emphasizing that the persecution of the Kurds is a part of the strategic relations and interests of the global powers with the regional powers, Çelik said, "In this context, stripping 50 million people of their status does not prick them. On the contrary, they want to exploit Turkey's weakness in order to benefit sufficiently from the divided Kurds in divided Kurdistan."
Kürtlere reva görülen zulmün, küresel güçlerin bölgesel güçlerle stratejik ilişkilerinin ve çıkarlarının bir parçası olduğunu vurgulayan Çelik, “Bundan hareketle 50 milyon insanın statüsüz kalması onların vicdanını incitmiyor.  Aksine parçalanmış Kürdistan’da, parçalanmış Kürtlerden yeterince nemalanmak adına Türkiye’nin zayıf karnından faydalanmak istiyorlar” dedi.
Noting that it is not correct to blame all KDP members for this, Çelik said: "There are people uncomfortable with the decisions KDP makes. They are not in a decision-making position. The Barzani family is. This small family is in relationship with Erdoğan and Bahçeli to protect their family interests. They don't care about what happens to Kurdistan. Reminding that there are many examples of Kurds turning on Kurds in the history which lead to their own defeat, Çelik said the aim of Turkey is to annihilate the Kurds regardless of their faith, sect or dialect. Stating that the plan to annihilate the Kurds made in 2014 targeted the resistance of the Kurds first, Çelik said: "They are throwing a bone to the KDP officials but it is clear that Turkey will target the KDP after the PKK. We have witnessed this throughout our history. We should never forget that Kurdistan is targeted as a whole."
MA / İdris Sayılğan