Çakır: Germany provokes the war against Kurds

NEWS CENTER - Evaluating the current German Turkey relations and the relations of the two countries in the past, Murat Çakır said Germany was the country that invented the 'Good Kurd- Bad Kurd' policy and that it provokes the war against Kurds acting within the idea of NATO.
International Relations Specialist and writer Murat Çakır answered our questions about NATO's new term strategy and how the Kurdish issue is approached in Germany, which is in close contact with Turkey.
Underlining that Germany supported Turkey about the war against the Kurds no matter who was holding the office, Çakır evaluated the stance of Germany regarding the Kurdish question and said: "Germany follows a coordinated line with Turkey's denial and war policies regarding the Kurds and Kurdistan. The fact that the sympathy towards the Kurdish people peaked in the German and European public opinion, especially with the Rojava defense led to the hypocrisy of Germany's Kurdish policy. In fact, we can say that Germany has assumed the same role with Turkey regarding the Kurdish question. The pressure exerted on Kurdish institutions in Germany by prohibitions and sanctions is not much different from that in Turkey. Kurdish institutions are constantly being criminalized, and a 'positive' signal is given to Turkish governments with a frenzy of arrests before every meeting. To give another example, we should mention the spokesperson of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who met with HDP representatives in Europe shortly before the closure case against HDP was filed. Even though he knew a law suit could be filed to ban the HDP, the Minister did not say a single thing about the law suit and said 'We support the HDP's democratic struggle', trying to use the HDP. Frankly, I personally think that Germany is the most important supporter of the dirty war in Turkey and Kurdistan. I can say that the only reason the German governments seem to be meeting with Kurdish institutions in Germany is that the Kurds have a strong organization in Europe. Germany follows an anti-Kurdish policy, both by supporting Turkey and keeping the Kurdish institutions in Germany in a relationship framed by oppression, blackmail and bans. All this  is the result of the indissoluble cooperation between Germany and Turkey."
Speaking about the fact that Kurds have become an actor in the Middle East while Turkey acts with KDP carrying out operations in teh Federated Kurdistan and that members of Defend Kurdistan Initiative members being detained when they landed in Frankfurt, Çakır said: "It tries to 'buy' as a force that can be 'used' when necessary and put forward for the interests of German imperialism. I can even claim that the inventor of the 'Good Kurdish-Bad Kurdish' policy was Germany. Because Germany knows very well that the Kurdish Freedom Movement cannot be 'controlled' and bought. For this reason, it tries to divide the Kurds and prevent them from uniting, criminalizing them, acting discriminatory against them, terrorizing the Kurdish Freedom Movement in Germany and defame the movement in public both in Germany and Europe.
Germany on the other hand financially and politically supports Kurdish institutions that are betraying the Kurdish Freedom Movement. In short, Germany is approaching the Kurds who has become an actor in all parts of Kurdistan and the Middle East the same way Turkey does.
Germany, which exhibits a scandalous attitude in ordinary bourgeois democracies, behaves just like Turkey on the rule of law. Can you imagine; Germany restricts the right to travel of elected members of the parliament openly on grounds that their actions can have a bad effect on Germany's relationship with Turkey? Again, a group of people, peace delegation members who are making efforts to stop a war between Kurds are detained just as they landed in Germany. They were laid on the ground and subjected to police brutality. This alone tells a lot about Germany. The most important point that I would like to draw attention to is that these approaches point to what NATO expects from Turkey in the coming period. This is the expectation of a Turkey that will escalate the war in the four parts of Kurdistan and accelerate its war and occupation policies in order to stifle the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom and democracy. German imperialism, the protector of the Turkish rulers, acts with the awareness that the dirty war against the Kurds is actually a NATO war and is fueling this war. Hostility against the Kurds is the known policy of Germany and it will never change because it has interests in this war."
Mentioning Turkey's exporting weapons and military equipment from Turkey and the millions of Euros worth of arms trade between Turkey and Germany, Çakır said: "Germany and other imperialist states, as well as the AKP-Palace regime supported by the fascist MHP, are responsible for dragging Turkey into today's conditions. The military-industrial complex in Turkey, which is claimed to be domestic and national, has grown with the support of the German arms monopolies. Those who benefitted the most from this war mechanism spitting death are the arms monopolies of the imperialist countries, especially those in Germany. The ruling classes in Turkey also get their share from this. However, the point reached today is an environment of insoluble crisis and social fragmentation in the economy and in every political field. For this reason, Turkey's largest capital segments are warning the regime through the MHP. But neither Germany nor other imperialist states will be able to save the regime from the crisis they have fallen into. Personally, I believe that this situation offers great opportunities to the democratic forces in Turkey. I do not want to be cocky to give advice to those in Turkey, but in my opinion, the main task falls to the revolutionary forces of the Turkish working class and the Kurdistan Freedom Movement. If they can show the prudence to build bridges between different centers of resistance and to weave a common struggle for common interests, then a hopeful path can be embarked for Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East. I think the peaceful and free future of the peoples of the region and the oppressed and exploited classes depends on this foresight."
MA / Ömer Çelik