HDP takes to streets against closure case: First rally in İzmir where Deniz was killed

ANKARA - Having started a 'Defence Campaign' against the closure case against their party, HDP will hold the first rally of the campaign in İzmir where Deniz Poyraz was killed.
During the meeting of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK), the news came yesterday that the Constitutional Court (AYM) accepted the indictment, which was prepared with a request to ban the party. The members of the MYK who were expecting such a decision, made some decisions, addressing the accusations in the indictment. At the meeting, HDP planned to come together with the opposition and alliance forces through the "Campaign to Defend the HDP", and public meetings and rallies will be held at a scale that will exceed an election campaign.
According to the information obtained from party sources regarding the discussions held at the MYK meeting, it was evaluated that the Constitutional Court accepted the indictment as a result of the "threats and blackmail" of the AKP-MHP. At the meeting where the details of the indictment were evaluated, it was determined that the new indictment was "not different from the first indictment that was rejected on March 30, some simplifications were made, there was no new claims and evidences. At the meeting, the fact that the photograph taken in Qandil was included in the indictment during the peace process carried out between 2013 and 2015 came to the fore, and it was reminded that the photograph in question was taken with the knowledge of the state authorities.
MYK  members agreed on 3 main titles and decisions in the light of the discussions;
* A strong stance will be assumed against the banning of the party focusing on not allowing HDP to be banned. 
* The efforts to ban the HDP was defined as 'a political coup of the government by the hands of the judiciary' and it was decided that HDP Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar to take to the streets. The first rally was planned to be in İzmir where party employee Deniz Poyraz was killed.  
* The fact that the indictment was accepted two days after the killing of Deniz Poyraz was mentioned and it was considered to be an open indication expression of hostility towards the Kurds.
At the meeting it was stated that the deadlock in the Kurdish question leads to massacres and it all stems from the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and it was added that a comprehensive planning would be undertaken against the isolation.
Another topic at the meeting was the 'talks with the opposition and allience forces'. HDP will be starting a campaign regarding this topic. It will be named 'Campaing to Defend the HDP'.
After the indictment is accepted, the HDP, which must make its preliminary defence within the time allowed by the Constitutional Court, will present a clear stance on the preliminary defense. HDP will give a political defense on the basis of its own paradigm. HDP will work with a large number of lawyers to expose the indictment and to frustrate the case against them within the scope of the campaign. It was learned that hundreds of lawyers applied to the party to defend HDP. HDP will call on all segments to “come together around HDP” for the future of the country and democracy.
MA / Deniz Nazlım