In Ankara every month on 10th: Maybe I'll reunite with my Güney this way

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  • 11:28 9 October 2020
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ANKARA – Mustafa Doğan who comes to Ankara for the vigil held in front of the train station every month at 10th, said: "Maybe this way I'll reunite with my son. I hope.."
"I made him a promise when we buried Güney; I will be there in front of the train station where you were slaughtered.." These words were said by Mustafa Doğan, father of Güney Doğan, one of the 103 people who were killed at the bombing organized by ISIS on October 10, 2015, in front of Ankara Train Station.
Father Doğan was in front of the Ankara Train Station at the 10th of every month for the last 5 years.
Doğan from October 10 Peace and Solidarity Association (10 Ekim-Der) told Mesopotamia Agency about their struggle. 
Expressing that he could not overcome the trauma of the massacre despite the passing time, Doğan said: "There was a massacre in the middle of the capital city of this country. And the killings continued ever since. This is why the trauma never passes. Because they continue to twist the knife. The blood never stops. The trauma never passes.."
Recalling that what happened in October 10 was the "the biggest massacre in the history of the Republic", Doğan said what hurts him the most is the ongoing trials. Stating that the behavior of the ISIS members at the court house continues to twist the knife, Doğan said: "The court board doesn't even be bothered to warn the killers that insults us. Justice never becomes a truth for us who are oppressed, exploited and marginalized."
Underlining that everyone will need justice one day, Doğan said: "Those who do not provide justice now, will one day need that justice. They should behave much more compassionate and conscientious. They must ease the pain of the public and their own conscience. But there is no conscience where we are right now. I will follow this trial until the justice comes."
Asking if the Prime Minister of the time is not responsible for the massacre, Doğan said Davutoğlu used the massacre for his political interests. Reminding Davutoğlu's words when he said if he spoke everyone would be exposed, Doğan asked, "Why don't you speak?"
Stating that the Labor, Peace and Democracy Meeting was held to stop the deaths, but people continued to lose their lives after October 10, Doğan said: "We will definately see the day peace comes to this country. If I was the only one to remain, I will keep shouting out this demand for peace. Because everyone needs peace. Like Yılmaz Güney said; "We shall succeed".
MA / Emrullah Acar