Servet Turgut's brother: End this cruelty

  • actual
  • 09:14 1 October 2020
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VAN - Servet Turgut was killed by Turkish soldiers who threw him from a helicopter. His brother, Naif Turgut said: "They brutally martyred him. Let them burn as our hearts burned".

Servet Turgut (55), was found in the hospital 2 days after being detained by Turkish soldiers on September 11 in the Çatak district of Van. He had been abducted and subsequently thrown from a army helicopter together with Osman Şiban. Turgut died on Wednesday.
His brother, Naif Turgut, said: “We are calling out to the whole world; What has been done to my brother should not be done to anyone."
Naif Turgut added: “We are the victims of a terrible persecution. This man left his home and went to his village. He was tying the grass bags he had collected. There was only one sack with him. This person was poor, hardworking. He was an innocent person, not a cruel person. Today, when the animal falls into a pit, they call the fire department to save that animal. This person was subjected to great cruelty. May Allah not accept this savagery. Let them burn just as our hearts burned."
Underlining that "those lands are our land, they are not anyone’s else," Turgut said: "This human being was brutally thrown from a helicopter and martyred. We call out to the whole world. Allah created us all as human beings. If people kill us even in our villages, God should not accept it. May Allah not accept this cruelty, this brutality."