Şiban thrown out of a helicopter forcibly taken to military hospital

  • actual
  • 09:19 22 September 2020
  • |

VAN - Osman Şiban, who turned out to be tortured after being detained in Van, was forcibly taken to the military hospital by the police who came home in the morning.

The house of Osman Şiban (50), the father of 8 children, who turned up at the intensive care unit of a hospital, tortured, after being detained by the soldiers was raided early this morning. The medical report of Şiban proved that he was thrown out of the helicopter.
It was learned that the police took Şiban to the military hospital on the instructions of the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. It is not known if there is a warrant issued for the detention of Şiban.
Şiban, who suffered from memory loss due to the torture he suffered, had not yet given his statement regarding the incident.