Gendermerie raids wedding, villagers rebels against the harrassment: 21 rangers lay down arms

  • actual
  • 14:23 21 September 2020
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MARDİN - 21 rangers resigned because the gendarmerie harassed women in the village of Mensûrî, where the Metînan tribe lived, in Derik.

A wedding organized by the Metînan tribe in the village of Mensûrî (Bozbayır) in the Derik district of Mardin was raided by the gendarmerie on the grounds of coronavirus on September 18. It was stated that the gendarmerie, who entered the area where the women were in the raid and took their photos, harassed the women. 21 rangers 2 of which are voluntary resigned because of the harrassment of the women.
According to the information obtained, an application was made to the gendarmerie station for the wedding of a couple of the Metînan tribe in the village of Mensûrî and the necessary permissions were obtained. However, the gendarmerie, who came to the village shortly after the wedding started, requested the wedding to be terminated on the grounds of coronavirus (Kovid-19). The gendarmerie intervened when the villagers wanted to continue the wedding, stating that they had received permission. The gendarmes dispersed the crowd gathered for the wedding and then took photos of the women in a separate section, before dispersing the women too.
Following the incident, the villagers protested the gendermerie who continued to wait in the village at night. There was a hassle between the gendermerie and the villagers. The gendermerie troops pointed their guns at the people including women and children and battered many people.
Villagers protesting the gendermerie demanded the rangers to resign. A day later 21 rangers 2 of which were volunteers went to the Derik District Gendermerie Command and resigned. The rangers stated that they resigned because the gendermerie harrassed the women at the wedding and took their pictures and demanded action be taken against the 3 gendermerie officers.
Jandarmaya tepkilerini sürdüren köylüler, “İstifa” sloganı atarak, korucuların istifa etmesini istedi. Bir gün sonra 2’si gönüllü 21 korucu, Derik İlçe Jandarma Komutanlığı’na giderek, silahlarını teslim etmek istedi. Ancak jandarma korucuların silahlarını almadı. Silahlarını kapıya bırakan korucular, istifa edeceklerini söylemesi üzerine tartışma yaşandı. Tartışmanın büyümesi üzerine Jandarma Komutanlığı’na girişlerine izin verilen korucular, silahlarını bırakarak, istifa dilekçelerini teslim etti. 
Derik District Governor Hicabi Aytemür and some authorities from the Mardin Governorate tried to persuade the rangers to stay. But the rangers resigned anyway and left the gendermerie command.
MA / Ahmet Kanbal