Turkish Medical Association: We stand by our words

  • actual
  • 13:14 17 September 2020
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ANKARA - Turkish Medical Association (TTB) has responded to the targeting remarks of MHP Chair Bahçeli in a written statement: “The TTB and physicians will keep on fulfilling their responsibilities today and tomorrow, just as they did in the past.”
Shortly after Devlet Bahçeli, the Chair of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), called on the authorities to "close down the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and take legal action against its executives," the TTB has responded to these targeting remarks in a written statement.
In a statement signed by the TTB Central Council, it has been underlined that the association fulfils "its universal, legal and ethical" responsibilities:
"It is a universal, legal and ethical responsibility of the Turkish Medical Association to share warnings and recommendations about the outbreak based on scientific data for society's right to health and life.
"Commemorating our colleagues whom we have lost in the COVID-19 outbreak with black ribbons and making efforts to prevent further losses of life is our duty of loyalty to our losses and their relatives.
"The TTB and physicians will keep on fulfilling this responsibility today and tomorrow, just as they did in the past."
The statement has also reminded the public that informing and warning people about the outbreak is a "legal and ethical obligation" of the TTB:
"Our struggle for living and keeping alive is required by the historical responsibility of being a physician. The TTB is an indispensable representative of good practice of medicine that has trickled down throughout history and reached today's world.
"At every stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, which has been gradually escalating and caused the death of thousands of our people and dozens of physicians and healthcare workers, the TTB has spent its entire energy to defend our people's right to healthcare and life.
"The TTB and physicians will keep on fulfilling this responsibility today and tomorrow, just as they did in the past. We, as the TTB Central Council members, stand by our words and we are on our duty."
In addition to this written statement, the TTB has responded to MHP Chair's remarks on its Twitter account:
"We are lucky to have the TTB," the messages of the association have read and briefly continued as follows:
"...But, more importantly, we are lucky to have millions of people in this country who know the importance of good medicine values, people's right to health and professional - ethical solidarity.
"We are physicians, we are the Turkish Medical Association. We have been here in this land since Hippocrates of Kos, Galen of Pergamon. We have been 'good physicians' in this land for thousands of years, we are still doing it and will continue to do so."
In a statement by the TTB on September 14, it was said, "Every single day, we will keep on reminding the responsible parties of their historical responsibility in the face of their attitude of blaming citizens and leaving the burden entirely on the shoulders of physicians and health workers."
The Association also announced that "in an attempt to raise concerns over COVID-19 deaths and increasing numbers of patients black ribbons would be worn in all medical institutions and living spaces."
In response to this statement, Devlet Bahçeli, the leader of the MHP, which is a close ally of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), called on the relevant authorities to close down the TTB and take legal action against its executives in a series of messages on Twitter:
"My call is this: The Turkish Medical Association is fuelling groundless blemishes and suspicions about human and public health in such a sensitive period as this. For this reason, the Medical Association that has the word Turkish only in its name must be closed immediately and without delay. A legal action must be taken against its executives."