The torture that Şiban suffered under custody reflected in the report

  • actual
  • 15:12 16 September 2020
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VAN - The torture Şiban suffered under custody while he was detained by the soldiers reflected to the assault report. 
Servet Turgut (55), father of 7 children, and Osman Şiban (50), father of 8 children, who turned out to be under treatment in the intensive care unit of Van Regional Training and Research Hospital 2 days after being detained by the soldiers who went into operation in Çatak district of Van, are still in the intensive care unit (ICU). While Turgut's situation was still serious, it was learned that Şiban was getting better. Families of both men are still waiting in front of the hospital.
It was reveled that an assault report was prepared for Şiban who was taken to a private hospital by the soldiers on September 11. In the assault report prepared for Şiban, who was taken to a private hospital by the soldiers, his general condition was recorded as "medium bad". In the report, it was determined that Şiban had bruises in both eyes, swelling in the head, due to the trauma to his neck and face. It was also stated that Şiban has been vomitting blood. Şiban was referred to the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital after the report determined that he needed intensive care.