Women protesting the murders fined

  • actual
  • 11:06 15 September 2020
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MERSİN -  Five women, including SYKP Co-Chair Canan Yüce, were fined for participating at the press release made to protest femicide.
Following the murder of Pınar Gültekin, women who attended the press release in Mersin on July 21 were fined a total of 1.960TL. The grounds of which the women were fined was explained as 'opposition to the law on misdemenaors'.
Stating that they did not disturb anyone at the statement made to protest femicides, SYKP Co-Chair Canan Yüce said: "The real disturbance is that women are being slaughtered brutally on the streets on a daily basis. The real disturbance here is the fact that women are being raped, harassed and the government does not take any measures against it. The government releases these perpetrators and let them roam freely on the street, continue doing what they have been doing. We know that these fines aim to silence us. These threats will not make us back away from our struggle. Because the women pay the price of living in this country with their lives every day."
Zeynep Kaya from Mersin Women's Platform said: "They are trying to intimidate us with these fines. It will not work. There is an ongoing violence, and increasing brutality against women which is backed by the government. They are trying to confine us to our homes and away from the streets. Every point in every city is a ground for the women to use for their freedom of expression. We will continue to shout out our problems everywhere we can. 
MA / Ömer Akın