Women's organizations outraged: Musa Orhan must be arrested!

  • actual
  • 13:30 26 August 2020
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ISTANBUL - Women's organizations reacted to the release of Specialist Sergeant Musa Orhan, stating that the state is protecting the rapists and demanded that Orhan be arrested immediately.

Women's organizations reacted to the release of Specialist Sergeant Musa Orhan, who caused İpek Er to commit suicide and lost her life. Writing their messages from their social media accounts, women's organizations demanded his arrest.
*Rosa Women's Association: We asked who was protecting Zeynal yesterday. Today we are asking who is protecting Musa.  It is the men who murder and rape women who use violence every day. Those who protect them is the male judicial system. 
*HDP Women's Assembly: The release of Musa Orhan is the very character the government wants to create in the society. Musa Orhan must immediately be arrested without any excuses.
*Purple Solidarity: Don't protect these people. Don't acquit them. Prosecute them. Musa Orhan trusted the government and with the support of the government, he committed this crime. He is being protected by male dominated system and male judiciary. Musa Orhan must be arrested.
* Women's Defense: AKP acts like a criminal organization in this country. Our dead bodies are being dissappeared. Our murders are reported to be suicides. Killers and rapers are being protected. The Specialized Sergeant Musa Orhan who raped and caused İpek Er's suicide was released. Musa Orhan must be arrested.
* Patchwork Solidarity for Women: They arrested Musa Orhan who caused the death of İpek and then released him. This is organized, systematic violence. Men who use violence against women, men who rapes women are being protected. We rebel, we object!
* Women are Strong Together: Are you telling us, the women that we are worthless? There are no investigations launched against that AKP MP who owns the house Nadira Kadirova was murdered in. Zaynal who is the last person to see Gülistan Doku alive wasn't even questioned. And now Musa Orhan is free.
* Campus Witches: We will not let you acquit rapists. The crime committed by Musa Orhan can not be left unpunished.
* Women's Liberation: Musa Orhan was released because they decided he will not flee. The release of Orhan while thousands of political prisoners are in prisons shows that the government is protecting and rewarding rapists and women's killers.