Father with 5 children in prison lost his life

HAKKARİ - Ahmet Ertunç whose 5 sons are in prison has lost his life as a result of a heart attack.
Ahmet Ertunç (58) whose 5 sons are in different prisons as prisoners or convicts, lost his life. Father Ertunç was taken to Hakkari State Hospital following a heart attack yesterday. Ertunç could not be saved despite all interventions. Eruntç was buried in a family graveyard located in Yenimahalle Neighborhood.
Ertunç has 5 sons in prison with a total sentence of 81 years in Tekirdağ, Diyarbakır and Van Prisons. His son Fırat is in Diyarbakır Type T Prison, Murat and Recep are in Tekirdağ Type F Prison and Ali and Ferhat are in Van Type F Prison.
In an interview Mesopotamia Agency (MA) did with Ertunç recently, Ertunç said: "They took Murat and Recep to Tekirdağ prison. We can't visit them, not only once a year because of economic diffuculties. They took Ferhat to Diyarbakır Prison, the other two are in Van prison. How can I visit them, they scattered my sons all over Turkey? The government is punishing us too by doing this. We can't see our children. Murat and Recep haven't even seen their neieces yet. They wanted me to take them to the prison but it is a very long distance so I couldn't bring my daughter in law and her children with me. I am trying to get by with my pension and to look after my sons in prison at the same time. I spent the 950 liras to the house, except the rent. I can only send money to one of my sons a month. Although we are having a really hard time getting by, we are standing with our chins up. My children have not done anything wrong. As a family, we will stand with them forever."