Justice Meeting Final Declaration: We will succeed with our struggle

ANKARA – The final declaration of the 'Justice Meeting' launched by HDP has been announced. The statement said: "We say no to the law decrees. No one will present justice to us. We will win with our own struggle."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) met with victims of the state of emergency (OHAL), who have been dismissed with law decrees from their posts. HDP Press Office has published the final declaration of the meeting.
The statement is as follows: 
"We, who came together on the fourth anniversary of the declaration of the State of Emergency of the AKP government, have united around the demand for justice. Our stance against all kinds of military and political coups is clear. Our demand for justice and our struggle against it is as strong as the first day.
We are the ones who have been sacked from their jobs without question and sentenced to civil death. We are the labourers who have been dismissed from their offices with law decrees whom the government said 'they can eat barks'. We have been subjected to the same persecution as laborers of all opinions and political backgrounds. We did not kneel, we did not beg mercy from the tyrants. We want what is ours. The stalling of the OHAL Commission can not fool us.  The State of Emergency Commission must be dissolved. We emphasize that the state of emergency continues as long as the lac decrees remain in force. We know that those law decrees is null and void both in the eye of law and the society. We say no to the security investigations. Sooner or later the law decrees will go and we will get back our extorted rights.
We are fighting for a country where all the law decrees will be deemed to be null and void, all dismissed workers will be reinstated and all extorted rights will be returned. We call on all dismissed labourers to get organized with this understanding, come together and fight.
The party ruled justice system AKP government established is the biggest obstacle in front of the realization of true justice.  We will expose all kinds of unlawfulness to society and the world. No one will present justice to us. We will win it with our own struggle."