SES former Co-Chair Oruç arrested


DİYARBAKIR - SES Diyarbakır former Branch Co-Chair Recep Oruç was arrested at the courthouse where he was summoned as part of the DTK investigation.

Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) Diyarbakır former Branch Co-Chair Recep Oruç was summoned to testify within the scope of the investigation conducted by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office regarding the Democratic Society Congress (DTK). Oruç, who went to the Diyarbakır Courthouse yesterday and made a statement to the prosecutor's office, was sent to the Criminal Court of Peace on duty with a request of arrest. Giving his statement there, Oruç was arrested with the accusation of 'being a member of an illegal organization' and sent to Diyarbakır Type D Prison.
SES Diyarbakır Branch reacted to the arrest of Oruç with a post in its social media account. SES said: "Our former branch co-chair Recep Oruç was arrested at court where he was summoned for a deposition today. THe government is trying to intimidate all those who opposes it. We will not submit to this lawfulness. Release our friend Recep immediately."
45 people had been taken into custody in scope of the same DTK investigation. 23 of them had been arrested.