First tried to burn down, then hung a Turkish flag on HDP building

ŞIRNAK - HDP Cizre district office, which was targeted before to be burned down, was hung a Turkish flag.
The entrance door of the Peoples' Democratic Party’s (HDP) Cizre district office in Şırnak was hung a "massive Turkish flag" on Wednesday night, on the anniversary of July 15 military coup attempt. 
HDP District organization building was targeted previously as well, as an unknown perpetrator tried to burn down the building a while ago. Security cameras recorded a person attempting to put the building using flammable material.
Offices of the HDP were a popular target of the nationalist masses brandishing Turkish flags as many of the HDP party offices were left destroyed or burned, windows broken and party signs torn down or covered with Turkish flags over the years, especially during the curfews in Kurdish populated cities of Turkey in 2015. Hanging Turkish flags on the buildings has been used as a provocative method for the state forces over the years as well, as in some instances when a mayor of HDP was detained, the police officers then hung a Turkish flag on the facade of the municipal buildings. Inside Diyarbakır's Sur district, which was sieged and bombarded during the curfews in 2015, next to the bombed-out buildings of this UNESCO world heritage site, recaptured buildings are draped in massive Turkish flags as well.