Bar heads invite the lawyers to Ankara: We will be on duty

ANKARA - Calling the lawyers to Ankara against the "multiple bar" bill being negotiated in the parliament, the bar association heads said, "We will be waiting on duty during the discussions on the bill in the parliament."
The parliament has passed two articles of the "Law Proposal for the Amendment of the Attorney's Act and Some Laws" Thereupon, dozens of bar heads who shared their call with the hashtag of #SavunmaAnkaraya ("Defense to Ankara") on their social media accounts stated that they will be waiting in Ankara on duty all together during the discussions on the bill in the parliament. 
The call of the bar heads is as follows: "Despite the objection of 80 bars, the draft bill, which aims a change in the Attorney’s Act, was accepted by the Justice Commission and started to be discussed in the General Assembly of the Parliament. We, the presidents of the bars, will be waiting during the discussions on the bill in the parliament." to raise our voices and objections against this bill. We invite you, our colleagues, to Ankara to be with us and to gain more strength to our voices until the negotiations on the bill are over."