Online meeting for the freedom of Öcalan


NEWS CENTER - An online meeting will be held on July 16 to renew the call for the "Freedom for Öcalan" campaign launched for the release of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. 

"Freedom for Öcalan" campaign launched by British unions for the freedom of Öcalan has announced that they will organize an online meeting on the 16th of July to renew calls for Abdullah Öcalan's release.
Campaign co-chairs are Labor peer and former general secretary of the NUT Baroness Blower of Starch Green and Simon Dubbins, international director of Unite the Union. Lloyd Russel-Moyle MP and Manuel Cortes general secretary of the TSSA plus many more TBC including contributions from UK and international trade unions, Kurdish and UK politicians and many other active supporters will be the guests of the online event.
"The time has come," was stated in the call for the online event. "Join the Freedom for Öcalan campaign for a major online rally on the 16th of July. Help us to renew the calls from the trade union movement and the international community for Ocalan’s freedom. Yesterday Mandela, today Ocalan. The time has come!"
"As trade unionists, we understand that nothing builds solidarity like a shared struggle and a shared experience. Many of us have experienced the frustration and isolation of lockdown in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic," said the organizers of the campaign and added, "For several weeks we have been denied contact with friends and family or worried about being exposed on the front lines while unable to have the comfort of those closest to us. It’s been tough. Now imagine how 21 years would feel?"
The following link is shared for those who wish to attend the event on July 16