Protest in Ankara Courthouse for lawyers on death fast

ANKARA - Lawyers who organized a protest opening a banner in Ankara Courthouse for Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, imprisoned lawyers on death fast said, “The demand of a fair trial of Ebru and Aytaç is the demand of us all. Let's be the voice of Ebru and Aytaç before it is too late!"
Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal have been on a death fast, demanding their right to a fair trial since April 5. Both Timtik and Ünsal are the members of Peoples' Law Bureau (HHB). The colleagues of the two death fasting lawyers opened a banner in Ankara Courthouse that reads, "Fair trial is a right, meet their demands, Ebru and Aytaç shall live!"
The lawyers read a press statement in the flash-mob protest inside the courthouse: "Ebru Timtik is on the 188th day of her death fast and Aytaç Ünsal is on the 157th day of his death fast. They have reached the critical days of the death fast in terms of their health. Our colleagues together with Timtik and Ünsal have been sentenced to 159 years of prison based on the anonymous witness testimonies which are full of lies. Why are our colleagues on trial then? Because of their professional activities, because they followed the cases of detainees, because they reminded their clients of their right to remain silent. They are charged on attending press statements on streets and in courhouses. Saying no to the multiple law bill we also know that the attacks to the defense had started when many of our colleagues being detained on the grounds of their professional activities, when they were arrested, when they were tortured."
Lawyers said, "The lawyers are put under inverstigation just because they document the torture. That is why we know that the demand of a fair trial of Ebru and Aytaç is the demand of us all. Let's be the voice of the demands of Ebru and Aytaç before it is too late! Let's be the voice of Ebru and Aytaç. Fair trial is a right, meet their demands, Ebru and Aytaç shall live!"
In 2017, the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) and People's Law Bureau (HHB) were raided by the police, several lawyers were detained and arrested. Timtik and Ünsal were among them.
Charged with "membership of a terrorist organization" and "leading an organization," 18 lawyers were sentenced to 159 years, 1 month, 30 days in prison in total. While Timtik were sentenced to 13 years, 6 months for "membership," Ünsal was sentenced to 10 years, 6 months.
As their sentences were upheld by the Court of Appeals, an application has been made to the Court of Cassation for them. The Court of Cassation is now examining the appeal against their verdict.
Lawyers Timtik and Ünsal went on a hunger strike to raise their voices for their right to a fair trial. Timtik turned her hunger strike into a death fast on the 94th day while Ünsal turned his strike into a fast on the 63rd day.
Ünsal is held in Burhaniye Type T Prison in Balıkesir and Timtik is held in Silivri No. 9 Prison in the outskirts of İstanbul.