The hearing of journalist Altan postponed


MERSİN - The first hearing of case that our reporter Berivan Altan is trialed on charges of "being a member of an organization" has been postponed.

Berivan Altan, a reporter for the Mezopatamya News Agency (MA), was detained in late 2019 on accusations of “being member of a [terrorist] organization”. 
Altan and her lawyer attended the first hearing on Mersin 2nd Heavy Penal Court.
As testimonies given by the witness regarding the Özgürlükçü Demokrasi (Liberterian Democracy) and Rojewa Media newspapers, which were closed by the Statutory Decrees (known as KHK) were asked to Altan, she replied that the newspapers in question were legal by that time they were published and was sold in many bookstalls.
Saying that the newspapers that are legal would not constitute a crime, Altan denied all the charges.
Özgür Çağlar, the lawyer of Altan, defended his client noting that she is a journalist and demanded the witness to be heard in the next hearing.
The hearing was postponed to November 12 as the court decided the witness to be brought to the next hearing.