HDP: The burial places of Sheikh Said and his friends should be disclosed

ANKARA - The HDP Peoples and Beliefs Commission made a statement regarding thr 95th anniversary of the execution of Sheikh Said and his friends, and said: "The burial places must be disclosed to his family and the public and all his rights should be reinstated."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Peoples and Beliefs Commission made a written statement for the 95th anniversary of the execution of Sheikh Said and his 47 friends. In the statement published under the signature of the Vice-President of the Commission Tülay Hatimoğulları, "We commemorate Sheikh Said and his 47 friends with respect. Their burial places must be disclosed" was said.
The statement drew attention to the fact that the story of Sheikh Said and his friends was told differently in the official history books since the day they were executed. The statement continued: "The rights and justice struggle they initiated for the Kurdish people is told like it was a rebellion started with the demand of sharia. Legal regulations made with the declaration of the Republic in 1923, state policies began to emerge as a product of a strict centralized understanding. The biggest turning point in the political history of the Republic of Turkey was held with these policy changes. Policies based on the rejection of the multicultural multicolor heritage of these lands were produced within the framework of the centering of a nation-based ethnic identity. As these policies deepend, sustainable management relations began to take deep wounds between state and society in Turkey. Without addressing these wounds openly, it will not be possible to face this process leading to the Sheikh Said movement and the execution of Sheikh Said.
Turkey must disclose the truth about the killing of Sheikh Said and his friends in order to establish a true confrontation. Therefore, the roles of those who are involved in the execution of Seikh Said and his friends must be disclosed, as well as their burial places and all their rights must be reinstated."