HDP: Governor's Office protects the perpetrators of torture


ANKARA - Stating that The Diyarbakır Governor's Office is trying to protect the perpetrators of the torture crime, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) made a statement declaring, “Torture is not only manipulated, but also the past incidents of torture are backed."

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Vice President of Law and Human Rights, Ümit Dede shared a written statement regarding the statement of The Diyarbakır Governor's Office about the dog attack and physical attack of the police officers targeting woman activist Sevil Rojbin Çetin. 
The full text of the statement can be read as follows: "The institutions that are responsible for informing the public about Sevil Rojbin Çetin, who was tortured by two police dogs during the raid on her house, became a part of the crime with the statement who backs the torturer police officers in question. Dog bites on her both legs, a footprint on her weist, a split on her lip, the marks of battery and physical attack on her arms and all over her body, which were all documented by the report of examination are clear enough not to leave a room for discussion. It is understood that it is one of the new job descriptions of the Governor's Office and Police Departments under the AKP government to deny the torture crimes and to back the torture.
Taken together with the statement of the Diyarbakır Police Department, not only the attempt to justify the torture is evident, but also the torture is tried to be legitimized in the public sphere together with the attempt to manipulate the justice system. Torture is carried out in all indoor and outdoor areas and streets by soldiers, police and wathcmen who constantly apply systematic violence of all kinds.
Even if we see such a questioning meaningless as their attitude of rejecting the truth is obvious, we must ask something regarding the expressions of 'A specially trained search dog, which was outside while the officers were entering the residence prevented the person from escaping by holding on her right foot as she tried to jump from the balcony door' in the statement of the Governor's Office which was based on the Diyarbakir Police Department's inconsistent explanations of the incident and we ask this: Which inhumane hand caused the black-and-blue marks on Sevil Rojbin Çetin's face and splitt her lip open? We and the public know the answer. This inhuman practice was carried out by the police officers affiliated to the Diyarbakır Police Department.
Together with this statement torture is not only manipulated, but also the past incidents of torture are backed and the torture crimes to be committed in the future are tried to be encouraged. In no circumstances we accept the attitude of the Governor's Office that tries to cover up the crime of torture and protects those perpetrators who commit the crime of torture which is a crime against humanity. We will tirelessly struggle for those who commit the crime of torture or ty to cover it up or protect the perpetrators to be judged and punished."