11 rights organizations: Investigate those who tortured Rojbin Çetin


DİYARBAKIR - 11 rights organizations in DiyarbakIr demanded from authorities to investigate the police officers who tortured TJA activist Sevil Rojbin Çetin using police dogs in the raid to her house.

11 rights organizations in Diyarbakır declared a joint statement protesting the torture of Sevil Rojbin Çetin, a member of the Democratic Local Authorities Board and Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), who was detained after a police raid on her home on the evening of June 26 on the grounds of an investigation conducted in Mardin. Rights organizations stated that Çetin was exposed to torture with police dogs and ill-treatment by the police officers for 3 and a half hours reminding that during this moments of torture she was subjected to sexual abuse and photographed blindfolded.
In the statement the report of Çetin's medical examination was referred. According to the report of examination referred, it was noted that dog bites on both legs, a footprint on her weist, a split on her lip, the marks of battery and physical attack on her arms and all over her body were documented officially.
In the statement of the rights organizations it was noted that Çetin was tortured on June 26, which is the anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and recognized internationally as United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. "This agreement to which Turkey is also a signatory, imposes a strict and absolute ban on torture to protect human dignity and values. There is no exception for torture under any circumstances. Turkey  accepted the Convention Against Torture in 1988, banned torture in the Constitution and Penal Code and made a 'zero tolerance'commitment to torture. Today, the whole country has turned into a scene of torture, as a result of the governance of the current political power, which regards all the issues of the country as a security problem. Recently, there is a serious pressure and a special policy towards women activists in our region. These oppression targets the struggle of women and women's rights most especially."
Emphasizing that Çetin is still kept under police custody, the statement raised the following call: "After such inhumane torture that could create deep spiritual traumas, Sevil Rojbin, also a cancer patient, should be provided the conditions be receive both physical and psychological support as soon as possible. Sevil Rojbin Çetin should be released immediately!"
Regarding the fact the police called the lawyer who photographed the torture marks on Sevil Rojbin Çetin to visit the police station and give a statement, the right organizations stated, "Diyarbakır Governor's Office and the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office should immediately make a statement regarding this issue and immediately open an investigation on all the authorities and officers who are responsible. All the law enforcement officers should be identified and dismissed immediately and judicial and administrative investigations on their behalf should be opened. It is the result of the policy of impunity that law enforcement officers resort to the method of torture without such recklessness and no hesitation at all."
In the statement, which emphasized that the torture was intended to harm Çetin on such a level that she got life-threatening injuries, it was noted that women will be followers of the incident until the responsibles of this torture are punished.
The names of the rights organizations that have signed the statement are as follows: “The Violence Against Women Network, Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch, Diyarbakır Bar Association Women's Rights Center, Medicine and Women's Health Commission of Diyarbakır Chamber of Medicine, Rosa Women's Association, The Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK), Association of Lawyers for Freedom  (ÖHD), The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), Mesopotamian Psychologists, Women's Solidarity, Social Workers Association Diyarbakır Branch."