Çorlu train massecre hearing started: We want justice

ISTANBUL - The 5th trial of the lawsuit regarding the train disaster in Çorlu where 25 people died and 340 were injured started. The families reiterated their demands for justice before the trial.
The trial of Çorlu train derailment, which claimed the lives of 25 people, including 7 children, and injured 340 others on July 8, 2018, continues at the Çorlu 1st Heavy Penal Court today (June 25).
Ahead of the fifth hearing, the families who lost their loved ones came together in İsmet İnönü Park. Marching through the Şinasi Kurşun Avenue, the families expressed their demands one more time.
Carrying banners and the pictures of their deceased family members, they also chanted the slogans, "Right, law, justice; not accident, but murder." They also read out the names of those who lost their lives in Çorlu.
Addressing the people and reporters, Zehra Bilgin, who lost her 14-year-old daughter Bihter Bilgin in the massacre, said, "I took my daughter to school through this road everyday. Now, I am seeking justice on these roads."
Reaching the Public Training Center, where the hearing would be held, families held a statement for the press there.
Speaking on behalf of the families, mother Bilgin reiterated her wish that the murderers of her daughter be put on trial:
"It has been 718 days. Our sons and daughters are not here anymore, neither are our brothers and sisters, our loved ones, our spouses or mothers... All through these two years, we had only one demand.
"We did not expect or ask for miracles from anyone. We had only one demand. 'Give us justice, we want justice,' we sais.
"My daughter, brothers and sisters, 25 lives will not come back. We wanted that not a single more mother or sister feel the same pain like use. Our loved ones died before the eyes of everyone due to the negligence of the State Railways. Before the very eyes... The negligences are obvious. This massacre took place openly. They will give an account for this, they have to.
"If it is a just country, this justice has to find us. I do not have to cry out all this pain till I run out of breath. I do not have to seek justice on the roads where I used to take my daughter to school, I do not have to run for this.
"I, as a mother, want the murderers of my daughter, to be put on trail. Mısra, as a mother, wants the murderers to be put on trial. I condemn all responsible parties because my mother, as a mother who lost four loved ones, has to seek justice on these roads at the age of 65.
"The responsible ones will be brought to account for Çorlu. No one will be protected. All responsible ones will be put on trial. Justice will be served."
Mother Bilgin passed out after the statement.
Leaving Turkey's northwestern Edirne province for İstanbul with 362 passengers and 6 personnel on board, a passenger train derailed and rolled over in Çorlu, Tekirdağ on July 8, 2018. 25 people, including 7 children, lost their lives and 328 others got wounded.
The indictment prepared by the Çorlu Chief Public Prosecutor's Office demanded the penalization of Railway Regional Maintenance Manager Turgut Kurt, Road Maintenance and Repair Chief Özkan Polat, Line Maintenance and Repair Officer Celaleddin Çabuk and Bridge Chief Çetin Yıldırım, who signed the annual inspection report before the derailment. Found to be the primary negligent parties in Çorlu train massacre, they are charged with "reckless injury and killing."
The following 25 people lost their lives in Çorlu:
Ersen Gül, Serhat Şahin, Melek Tuna, Ayşe Başaran, Ergün Kerpiç, Hakan Sel, Oğuz Arda Sel, Özge Nur Dikmen, Gülce Dikmen, Sena Köse, İrfan Kurt, Mavinur Tiflizden, Bahar Koçman, Yağmur Laçin, Özcan Cesur, Derya Kurtuluş, Beren Kurtuluş, Emel Duman, Bihter Bilgin, Ömer Alperen Can, Seyfi Erbil, Zübeyde Seven, Gani Kartal, Rubize Kartal, Fethiye Yıldız